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Female Orc Face Textures Messed Up


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As the title and description have stated, they are in fact messed up. I don't know how any of this happened, so help would be greatly appreciated. However, I noticed that the color of the face depends on which way I am facing.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if you found a solution to this but for me it was this file: femaleheadorc_msn in \textures\actors\character\femaleorc I simply replaced it with copy of the femalehead_1_msn from the main female folder.


Haha, thank you so much! +rep (Kudos)


But when I was giving you kudos, I noticed you take screenshots. IDK if this is too much to ask or not, but I made a thread about a screenshot request.

You see, I have a character that I named Trinity. But I don't take very good screenshots, especially since my game lags terribly when I have my settings on ultra to take screenshots.


Link to the thread. If you even care.: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/924849-trinity-the-duelist-screenshots-request/


However, I think it's under the wrong forum category...


But yeah, thanks for the fix! And I hope you can find the inspiration in my character to help!

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if you found a solution to this but for me it was this file: femaleheadorc_msn in \textures\actors\character\femaleorc I simply replaced it with copy of the femalehead_1_msn from the main female folder.


I know it's been a while, but I had the exact same problem and this solution worked like a charm! Just wanted to let you know that. xD

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