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Custom voiced follower how to add vanilla functionality?

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Okay I am seriously getting frustrated with this, this is supposed to be so simple and straight forward but yet it doesn't work. I want my custom voiced follower to have the base functionality of vanilla followers like


follow me

wait here

do this



They way I approached it was by making a new quest and gave it 4 stages (0 to 30) I added AI packages to the follower which are the following








The forcegreet is so my character approaches the player and starts the conversation after which a quest starts ( A different quest to this one) after it is completed it automatically starts this quest.


It starts at stage 0 and when you ask her to follow it jumps to stage 20 . FollowPlayer has a condition to only work if quest == stage 20.


Selecting Wait here jumps to stage 10, condition of HoldPosition only works if quest == 10.


Selecting Go Home jumps to stage 30, Travel only works if quest == 30


The stages are set up correctly and update as should when in game. I used a messagebox to pop up in game when the stages update so I know it works. But when I say for her to wait she still follows me completely ignoring the AI package I assigned to her for that given stage. What am I missing here?


I am still a noob at this



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no that doesn't seem to fix anything , when I tell her to wait she still follows me. Why can't this bloody work? I just want my follower to have those vanilla dialogue features why does it have to be so frustrating? I reordered the packages and no order seems to fix it.

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Maybe I'm dumb, but....


Did you try faction settings?

Normal (non custom voiced) followers usually have these settings (actor "sheet", "factions" tab):

PotentialFollowerFaction rank 0 and

CurrentFollowerFaction rank -1.


AFAIK, this should enable Vanilla follower functionality. Don't know if this conflicts with custom voice lines though.

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