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Start game village


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Anyone know location of the starting village is you escape from? I would like to go back and check it out.


Since we don't have a map att, it's been hard for me to track down. I found the well with rope and brick. Also the Temple where you rescue Liza.



Thanks for any tips.

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Do you mean the place where you flee from Vaas? Where your brother dies?

Not sure, I've been almost everywhere on the map, but I haven't come across it.


The place with Liza is also hidden. I suspect that these unique places are in a different world-space, meaning that it is impossible to revisit them because they simply don't exist on the map.

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Thanks for the replies.


@devilrejected, Amanaki is the starting *safe* village, not the village you escape from.


@ billyro, Yes escaping from Vaas, where Grant is killed. Between Cliffside Overlook and Cradle Gas, is a Pig Hunting ground. The road south of the Pig, with a bridge leads to Liza's building. I'm trying to remember on the Well, with the brick and helecopter scene. It's been at least a week since I've played but think it's west of Badtown and north of Birdhouse Tower. Afaik they are real places on the map, but the scene like with Liza maybe in it's on scripted instance.


The village where the quest *Make a Break for it* takes place.



Thanks for any tips.

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Vaas camp is located far to the upper right on another island made just for the intro scenes. You cannot reach it in game as there is an out of bounds barrier between it and the North island. To be honest it's not a very interesting island other than the Vaas camp mockup in the center and a patch of wilderness leading you to the bridge area.

You can only "visit" it with a mod that alters your start location of the game (in fact it's the default area you get dumped to when the game doesn't know where to spawn you on a new game).

TBH It's very weird to visit it during the day, because it was designed specifically around the area that you and Grant navigate under the huts so once you get outside of that area many of the buildings are empty/barren and there is less and less props and correctly designed architecture. Also the surrounding terrain (other than the path you take when chased) is quite lterally open like a giant valley or bowl. Bizarre to see flocks of animals spawn and run around essentially empty plains. Basically it's like a movie set - it looks cool when you see it on screen, but once your there and walk behind the scenes and see that the backdrops are just painted wooden panels it loses a lot of the appeal. If it sounds at all interesting then I am making it sound better than it is. Other than the 2 or so detailed rooms you sneak through in the intro and the scattered props on the outside there's nothing else of interest.

It's unfortunate that they didn't designate it as an actual outpost or village on the main map as I think it would be cool to revisit in the main campaign and exact revenge on whatever pirates were left guarding it.

I imagine that for plot and pacing reasons they thought it best to never revisist the area least the player wonder were Vaas was at, wait around for him to return, try to examine the room full of luggage, try to find Grant's body, look too closely at the executed bodies, etc. Maybe it works better for the "plot" (and I use that term loosely) for it to be hidden off in the wilderness somewhere as a place Vaas might be in between bouts of trying to kill you. Whether you agree or not is another matter entirely. I think they made some very... different choices then I would have made, but of well.

I have no idea where the building is that you rescue Liza from, but i could probably try sniffing it out from the lua files to see if it too is a mock up area off map. I suspect that it probably is.

Edited by jvarnes
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jvarnes, thanks for that great write up! :thumbsup:


Good to know info and it's too bad they didn't make it a real spot. I posted in the Steam forums also, they said you need a Jump mod to access the location. I can't seem to find a Jump mod at least here on Nexus.


I would still like to see it, as I said I did find Liza's building and posted the instructions on how to get to it. There are two guards in front but nothing really to interact with, i.e. you can't go inside. It was much easier to find the Liza's building and the Well because we have a working Map. All I did was open the map at first chance, i.e. before getting in the Jeep with Liza and in the water at the Well.



Btw, could someone please link a Jump mod if you know of one.





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There isn't a mod specifically for it (as far as I know), but here's a post by General_Problem detailing how to create a .lua file to skip past chapter 1:





The relevent section of that is as such:

    -- Teleport to Chapter 2 starting spawn position
    l0 = self[2];
l0.Destination = "2074523898549912232";

Changing the number in destination to all zeros (or a random number) would probably be sufficient.


Of course to do this you'll need to be able to pack and unpack the patch files and be comfortable enough to copy and paste his code (all of it, not just what I put there - read his whole message) into the relevent lua file (\patch\domino\user\fc3\fc3_mainmissions\jas_020\jas_020_main.jas_020_main.lua)


I'm too busy at the moment to put it together and the best way to learn anything is to try doing it yourself, but if you just can't figure it out and you are willing to wait I can possibly put it together "sometime soon-ish" in the near future.


Best of luck!

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Tyvm for the info jvarnes! :thumbsup:


I've gotten into modding some games like Elder Scrolls and Fallout games but haven't learned about FC3 yet. Since it's not really a playable area, guess it hasn't been a priority. Only thing I can think is ubi was running short on time and didn't make it a playable area. Iirc, every other place is playable. It would have been great to go back imo. :wink:

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  • 10 months later...



i found a Internet Page with a Mod were you will start were your Brother dies. Look here:


This Mod is a open World Mod. No Main Missions. All Outposts are locked. But all Other Locations (Amanaki, Amanaki Outpost, Secons Island Camps are open.



greets goldendrake

Edited by goldendrake
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  • 1 year later...



i found a Internet Page with a Mod were you will start were your Brother dies. Look here:


This Mod is a open World Mod. No Main Missions. All Outposts are locked. But all Other Locations (Amanaki, Amanaki Outpost, Secons Island Camps are open.



greets goldendrake

That link is dead - just brought me back to these forums. Can you post a working link?



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