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stuck in third person when attempting to craft or upgrade


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I don't know what the issue is. My girlfriends character doesn't have any problem crafting or upgrading, and she never gets stuck in third person. Both of our characters are on the same computer, and are affected by the same mods. Mine however, can't upgrade anything, use an enchanting table, alchemy table, forge, or anything else for that matter. Whenever I do, it centers the camera on it, but otherwise acts as if I didn't even activate it. Even worse, from that point on until I load a previous save, I am stuck in third person, and if I wasn't in third person when I activated the enchanting table/forge/alchemy lab/anything, it puts me in third person, and then gets me stuck there. Before you ask, no, I am not a werewolf. My character is just a regular dark elf. I did install a bunch of new mods right before I noticed this, but I don't know if that's responsible. I deactivated every mod that I'd just installed when I noticed this, and I still have the same problem. Not to mention, over a week ago whenever I tried to activate any of the previously mentioned items, my character would activate it, use it for about 2 seconds, and then against my will stop using it. To use any kind of crafting or enchanting table, I had to activate it, then during that 2 second window, type in "tai" so my character wouldn't automatically stop using it. Just, please help. Despite how much I love this game, I'm about ready to just give up and stop playing it if I can't get this fixed. Edited by SunderedChaos
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Would be nice to know what mods you tried and removed when you noticed this problem.


Your girlfriend's character is probably not affected because she did not play the game while you were trying out those mods.


At any rate, it seems to me that either a mod added scripts to the crafting stations for some reason or some other scripted action is interrupting the crafting process. Can you go backwards in saves to a point just before trying out those mods? If you can and things work fine, then do a systematic test of each of the new mods till it happens. When you find the "culprit" it either is that mod or a conflict with another mod.

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