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Small question about xEdit


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Hey guys! A quick question! I am using a armor compilation but I know that there are some armors in there I will never ever use and I dont want them to spam the crafting menu or even spam AddItemMenu. What exactly do I remove in xEdit so they stop existing?

Thank you in advance for every helpful answer!

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Armor Record (this is the main Armor record, deleting anything contained within, will remove it from the game, however anything connected to it, will be made redundant in the other 3 records below, traces of the armor must be deleted in all 4 record entries to completely remove it from the game/mod) - includes all important data for the armor (such as armor rating, value, biped slots etc etc) essentially this makes the armor exist


Armor Addon Records - this is what links the armor to the textures and mesh files. also includes biped slots. Both the *Armor* Record and *Armor Addon* Record go hand in hand, they are as imporant as each other, together they make the armor exist., armor addon makes the armor visually exist, without it, the armor will be invisible


Constructable Objects: Recipe and Temper - Records <-- this is what adds the armor into the forge, so 1 can craft it and Tempering recipes is what allows you the ability to improve the armor.


Leveled Lists: Adds the armor into the world, this includes, Treasure Chests, Enemies spawning with it, etc etc. <-- deleting these and the constructable objects will be enough to completely remove the armor from your playthrough, however Armor, and Armor addon, is the armor itself, deleting these 2 will remove the armor completely, the armor records will need to be deleted in all 4 record entries mentioned above to prevent issues/ redundant entries.


all 4 items above contain everything to do with the armor, removing all 4 above for each armor, will completely remove that armor from the mod


Note: Items in bold, are the main record entries, that will be seen in xEdit, anything contained within them will be what you are looking for




Armor Record: ArmorDraugrBoots


Armor Addon Record: ArmorDraugrBoots_AA


Constructable Objects: RecipeArmorDraugrBoots and TemperArmorDraugrBoots



thats what draugr armor would look like in xEdit and the ck, by clicking on the apporpiate records entires.


so if you was to remove Draugr boots completely from the mod you would delete: ArmorDraugrBoots, ArmorDraugrBoots_AA, RecipeArmorDraugrBoots and TemperArmorDraugrBoots


so in xEdit you will need to delete the armor records contained within in these Record Entries: Armor, Armor Addon, Constructable Object and Leveled Lists (if applicable, not all armor mods use leveled lists.)

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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Armor Record (this is the main Armor record, deleting anything contained within, will remove it from the game, however anything connected to it, will be made redundant in the other 3 records below, traces of the armor must be deleted in all 4 record entries to completely remove it from the game/mod) - includes all important data for the armor (such as armor rating, value, biped slots etc etc) essentially this makes the armor exist


Armor Addon Records - this is what links the armor to the textures and mesh files. also includes biped slots. Both the *Armor* Record and *Armor Addon* Record go hand in hand, they are as imporant as each other, together they make the armor exist., armor addon makes the armor visually exist, without it, the armor will be invisible


Constructable Objects: Recipe and Temper - Records <-- this is what adds the armor into the forge, so 1 can craft it and Tempering recipes is what allows you the ability to improve the armor.


Leveled Lists: Adds the armor into the world, this includes, Treasure Chests, Enemies spawning with it, etc etc. <-- deleting these and the constructable objects will be enough to completely remove the armor from your playthrough, however Armor, and Armor addon, is the armor itself, deleting these 2 will remove the armor completely, the armor records will need to be deleted in all 4 record entries mentioned above to prevent issues/ redundant entries.


all 4 items above contain everything to do with the armor, removing all 4 above for each armor, will completely remove that armor from the mod


Note: Items in bold, are the main record entries, that will be seen in xEdit, anything contained within them will be what you are looking for




Armor Record: ArmorDraugrBoots


Armor Addon Record: ArmorDraugrBoots_AA


Constructable Objects: RecipeArmorDraugrBoots and TemperArmorDraugrBoots



thats what draugr armor would look like in xEdit and the ck, by clicking on the apporpiate records entires.


so if you was to remove Draugr boots completely from the mod you would delete: ArmorDraugrBoots, ArmorDraugrBoots_AA, RecipeArmorDraugrBoots and TemperArmorDraugrBoots


so in xEdit you will need to delete the armor records contained within in these Record Entries: Armor, Armor Addon, Constructable Object and Leveled Lists (if applicable, not all armor mods use leveled lists.)

THANK YOU SO MUCH! Kuddos from me!

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