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SKSE 1.6.6 & Dragonborn DLC


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I did make an effort to search on this before posting, though my apologies in advance if this was covered somewhere else.


Is anybody else using the latest version of SKSE, 1.6.6 dated October 2012 according to www.skse.silverlock.org with Dragonborn ? My game was running fine until the Skyrim was updated to accommodate Dragonborn. Now I get some nasty behavior like sudden CTD's, erratic loading behavior, and corrupted save games. This doesn't happen when I load without SKSE, however I utilize several SKSE dependent mods that don't play very well (if at all) unless SKSE launches the game. Historically when a new update of Skyrim is released, a new version of SKSE is needed. I remember the SKSE team needed to update their app previously for Dawnguard/Hearthfire. I don't want to bug them yet if there's a new version out since Dragonborn's only been out a week and they ask on their site "to be patient" for a new update.


Any feedback / fixes from existing users ? I've re-installed SKSE, I've used script extenders since Morrowind, so I'm familiar with the install process.

Edited by brentmontana
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hey brentmontana, Im getting the same probelm with SkSE. As soon as i load though steam the game runs fine. I even down loaded boss and tes5 to make sure my load order was fine and all my mods were clean. but it didnt help. Just will have to run without skse until they update it. boooo

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hey brentmontana, Im getting the same probelm with SkSE. As soon as i load though steam the game runs fine. I even down loaded boss and tes5 to make sure my load order was fine and all my mods were clean. but it didnt help. Just will have to run without skse until they update it. boooo



SKSE is up to date. The last version of Skyrim is ---------> http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Patch



I am pretty sure you have some mod conflicts because I have all DLCs and they work fine with SKSE.

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hey brentmontana, Im getting the same probelm with SkSE. As soon as i load though steam the game runs fine. I even down loaded boss and tes5 to make sure my load order was fine and all my mods were clean. but it didnt help. Just will have to run without skse until they update it. boooo


SKSE is up to date. The last version of Skyrim is ---------> http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Patch



I am pretty sure you have some mod conflicts because I have all DLCs and they work fine with SKSE.

Thanks, I think you're right. Either than or a recent Win 8 upgrade is also involved. After upgrading to Win 8, I need to launch SKSE as "administrator" instead of just launching the skselauncher normally. Nothing definitive, but snooping around on the net found others experiencing similar issues, and of course, others not.


I'm actually able to play the game fine without SKSE launching the game (via steam)...SKYUI still works as far as a front-facing UI (the repositioning and toggle keys are disabled,) Wet & Cold says most features are disabled, The in-game Mod Manager is disabled, and others I haven't seen any noticeable changes...yet. And it plays stable-as-can-be. So at least I know it's SKSE and/or a mod...so the hunt begins. I really love all the added functionality that SKSE brings with some of these killer mods, so it'll be worth it to investigate.


Thanks again for the replies.

Edited by brentmontana
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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks, I think you're right. Either than or a recent Win 8 upgrade is also involved. After upgrading to Win 8, I need to launch SKSE as "administrator" instead of just launching the skselauncher normally. Nothing definitive, but snooping around on the net found others experiencing similar issues, and of course, others not.

I'm actually able to play the game fine without SKSE launching the game (via steam)...SKYUI still works as far as a front-facing UI (the repositioning and toggle keys are disabled,) Wet & Cold says most features are disabled, The in-game Mod Manager is disabled, and others I haven't seen any noticeable changes...yet. And it plays stable-as-can-be. So at least I know it's SKSE and/or a mod...so the hunt begins. I really love all the added functionality that SKSE brings with some of these killer mods, so it'll be worth it to investigate.

Thanks again for the replies.

It's been 2 weeks that I was desperate to get Skyrim working again. I had CTDs as soon as the Dragonborn DLC was activated as I approached Windhelm.
Two weeks trying to disable every possible mod, and now,I just stumbled upon your post, tried your methode and...it works for me.
The simple fact of running SKSE as administrator solved everything... Thank you very much ! Edited by Renegade661
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I just started having the behavior problems with the update for SKSE. BOSS recognizes my install of 1.6.6, but will not in the game and keeps loading it as Steam and not the non-game SKSE Loader setup, so seems I have to go back all over and try to get it to FIND my TES_exe rename where ever it went into cyber space. I have both Dragonborn and Hearthfire with both on here sometime. Just today the behavior is screwy.

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  • 1 month later...

Windows 8 has been notorious for not playing well with various games ... so apart from issues people maybe having with SKSE itself, given whatever configuration, it may have some additional issue(s) that are directly related to running on Windows 8 versus Windows 7/Xp, etc


PS: Stream may have deleted files (namely TES.*exe) and restored the shipped version of TESV.exe To make things easier: just directly launch skse_loader.exe (forget trying to launch via SkyrimLauncher.exe/TESV.exe, unless you want to update your workshop subscribed files)


* SKSE has an ini option that you can put in Data\SKSE\skse.ini


Again, it is recommended not to do this (and load skse_loader.exe directly)

Edited by NeoH4x0r
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