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FONV CTD at Game Load by Corrupted Saves


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FONV would CTD as soon as the game would load. I figured it was because of a mod I am working with and tried to find the fault. There was none. I looked at my load order, no issues there either. I am running the ' fnv4gb' enabler along with 'NVSE' and thought that might me the problem. After wasting an hour on that, could not find anything there. :down: Unlike some folks out there, I am only running 32 mods, so I didn't worry too much on how many mods I was running.


I had to think on this one for awhile. I use 'Advanced System Care Pro' to clean out my system on a daily basis, and wondered if there could be a connection. Looking at the logs, I saw that there were some changes to FO3 and FONV, but the log quoated a few hex addresses which didn't make sense to me. All the changes took place when I ran Advanced System last night before I quit for the night. The only thing I have been doing in FONV was testing new textures and kind of playing the game, which made me think about the 'saves' for yesterday.


I started loading from previous saves until the game finally loaded and started. Turns out that I had ten (10) corrupted saves, all from yesterday. I have since deleted all the bad saves and FONV is running fine now. SO..word to the wise...


IF, FONV CTD at game start / load....look at your saves. If you run an application like Advanced System Care Pro, it may corrupt your days saved games. Why? I have no clue. If anyone else has had this happen, might be good to post it here.


I just wanted you folks to know, a CTD at game start, may just be some corrupted saves. I tested FO3 and it seems happy...so far. :thumbsup:


Happy Gameing! :teehee:

Edited by BarefootWarrior
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If you're loading from an autosave, it could just be a fail to load cell issue, for some reason if I start a new game then load the save I was trying to load to start with, it works, as I said no idea why. Also, a verify steam cache integrity seems to work. But I'm not sure if you're having the same problem I was.

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