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Nif file invisible in the GECK. How can I fix this?


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So you must go into blender and edit the shader properties. Blender unchecks the variable called "Skinned." You must check that in order for it to show up in game.

Where can I find the shader properties?


You find the shader properties in NifSkope. Open the file and in the "Block List" LMC on the triangle to the left of any NiTriShape. LMC on BSShaderPPLightingProperty. In the "Block Details" make sure "Shader Type is set to "SHADER_DEFAULT" If it isn't, double LMC on the shader that is set under the Value column and then LMC the down triangle. This will open the shader flag menu. LMC on "SHADER_DEFAULT" Then LMC "Shader Flags" and do the same. Make sure the following flags are set: Specular, Skinned, Window_Environment_Mapping, Shadow_Map, Remappable_Textures, ZBuffer_Test. If you are setting the shaders for exposed skin, In Shader Type, you need to set SHADER_SKIN and in Shader Flags, you need to also set the flag "FaceGen". This must be done for all the NiTriShapes other than the ones with "meat" as part of the name.


Just an FYI, Blender will only export a .nif file with the shaders that are chosen in the Blender export menu. If "Skinned" or any other flag isn't selected, it won't be set in the exported .nif file.


You should leave the default shaders set for the game and set the individual shaders in NifSkope.

Edited by M48A5
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So you must go into blender and edit the shader properties. Blender unchecks the variable called "Skinned." You must check that in order for it to show up in game.

Where can I find the shader properties?


You find the shader properties in NifSkope. Open the file and in the "Block List" LMC on the triangle to the left of any NiTriShape. LMC on BSShaderPPLightingProperty. In the "Block Details" make sure "Shader Type is set to "SHADER_DEFAULT" If it isn't, double LMC on the shader that is set under the Value column and then LMC the down triangle. This will open the shader flag menu. LMC on "SHADER_DEFAULT" Then LMC "Shader Flags" and do the same. Make sure the following flags are set: Specular, Skinned, Window_Environment_Mapping, Shadow_Map, Remappable_Textures, ZBuffer_Test. If you are setting the shaders for exposed skin, In Shader Type, you need to set SHADER_SKIN and in Shader Flags, you need to also set the flag "FaceGen". This must be done for all the NiTriShapes other than the ones with "meat" as part of the name.


Just an FYI, Blender will only export a .nif file with the shaders that are chosen in the Blender export menu. If "Skinned" or any other flag isn't selected, it won't be set in the exported .nif file.


You should leave the default shaders set for the game and set the individual shaders in NifSkope.


Thank you so much, it worked!

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