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Script: Constant checks on Player using items


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I want to write a script that is running constantly and reacts on the following player actions:

- Player uses Food

- Player uses Beer/Booze

- Player uses Chems

- Player uses Stimpacks or other "Medicine"


So detecting the Type of Item can be done by using the EquipType, but detecting that the Player used an item is my problem.

I dont want to use object scripts on the various items, because i want to keep the mod compatible to other mods altering the chems/food.

So I thought of using effects or a Quest, checking for the Player "equipping" an item and then react based the EquipType of the item.

Ive made several Effect and Quest scripts checking on every Update for -- if( GetIsUsedItemEquipType [chem/stim/food] == 1 ) -- , but they never enter the if-block.


Please, are there any ideas for checking this?

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