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How do I make something happen after a certain ammount of time has pas


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So, there's a quest I'm making. In the quest, you have to take this woman who was raped to a place. Once you're there, you gotta talk to this person. This person says he'll help her. Then, they both move to a certain marker with a fade. How do I make it so that after a certain amount of time has passed, she'll travel to a different marker I set up with a fade?

Edited by SirIdiot
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use GameDaysPassed in a quest script to mark a start time and after it's increased by however much time you want to pass set a flag that will trigger your updated behaviour.


float fStartTrigger

begin gameMode

    if (GameDaysPassed >= (fStartTrigger + 3)
        Do NewStuff


Edit: You'll want to put the setting of fStartTrigger in your dialogue or activator blocks. Set it to GameDaysPassed then.


Edit 2: GOD DAMN the new forum interface.

Edited by Xaranth
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So... (I have a sandbox package that runs when a quest variable is bCuring) If I wanted it to be 3 days until she move to the marker it would be...

(I have a sandbox package that runs on the quest variable bCured == 1)




float fStartTrigger

begin gameMode

    if (GameDaysPassed >= (fStartTrigger + 3)
       if (AbbiQuest1.bCuring == 1)
        Do MoveToMarkerWithFade AbbiCampMarker
         Set bCuring to 0
         Set bCured to 1


Edited by SirIdiot
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Start by setting the NPC's dialogue result script to set the fCuringStartTime to GameDaysPassed (set AbbiQuest1.fCuringStartTime to GameDaysPassed), and start the quest if it's not running.


scn AbbiQuest1SCRIPT

float fCuringStartTime

Short bHelping
Short bCuring ; Checks if Samual and Abbi have moved to Samual's place
Short bCured
Short bDoOnce

Begin GameMode

	if (bDoOnce != 1)
		Set bHelping to 0
		Set bCuring to 0
		Set bCured to 0
		Set bDoOnce to 1

	if (bCuring)
		if (GameDaysPassed >= (fCuringStartTime + 3))
			set bCuring to 0
			set bCured to 1

	if (bCured)
		Do CrapThatNeedsDoingToUpdatePackages
		Do MoveTOMarkerCrap
		set bCured to 0
		stopQuest AbbiQuest1




Edit 2: It helps to get the conditions right.

Edit 3: Third time's a charm for that damn condition, I need more coffee. ALSO WHY DOES THE EDITOR EAT MY LINE BREAKS!?

Edited by Xaranth
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Those 'Do' lines are pseudocode, not intended to be actually compiled. :pinch:


Replace them with the package changes and movetos and such that you want done, i.e. AbbiRef.MoveToMarkerWithFade AbbiHealedMarker or w/e

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Divide the number of hours by 24. EG: 6 hours: 6/24 == 0.25


So instead of if (GameDaysPassed >= (fCuringStartTime + 3) you'd use if (GameDaysPassed >= (fCuringStartTime + 0.25)

Edited by Xaranth
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