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Visual-only mods name?


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I've been playing through Mod Organizer (MO) with Skyrim 2020 Parallax by Pfuscher and it's suggested SSE Parallax Shader Fix from the start of my game (I started vanilla before but deleted those saves then started anew). I've grown a little dissatisfies of heavy armor in such cold environment with seeming inadequate under-armor. I've looked around and the best I found was Blanket Scarf Earth Tones Edition - 20 styles (there's probably better out there that I'm not aware of), since I can partly see the regular armor underneath; I tried to get Blanket Scarf going to no avail (I think I need to get HDT for it). Once the mod was installed, when attempting to load my the game, there was an alert that a mod was installed asking if I'd like to continue loading. As I've seen a loading screen mention I wouldn't get achievements when a mod was installed and I've been getting some, I stopped it. I looked at MO and it was the 1st mod in the right column, in the Plugins tab, and it had an esp extension; so I disabled the mod through the left column and it was removed from the right one, ending up looking like



I have some questions related to this:

  1. What's the name of the type of mod I already had, only in MO left column, that allowed achievements?
  2. Do you have a suggestion of visual-only mods that allowed achievements which partly show the regular armor (ie the argonian in this) ?

Please notice that in #2 I implied I want no bonus nor penalty from the apparel change.


Thank you kindly

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One of the many things that SSE Engine Fixes "fixes" is the ability to acquire achievements when modding the game. There is one or a few others that correct it, but SSE Engine Fixes is generally considered a must-have anyway. If I had to guess, the existing one that might have fixed it might have been the "Hotfixes" one, but I don't know what that is and the others by name seem very unlikely.


Once you find it, I would replace it with SSE Engine Fixes (correctly installed according to the instructions).


Third item down within [Patches]:


# Engine Fixes for Skyrim Special Edition
VerboseLogging = false                  # Add extra log messages
CleanSKSECosaves = true                 # Delete SKSE cosaves that have no matching save
DisableChargenPrecache = false          # "Precache Killer", same patch that is already in RaceMenu
EnableAchievementsWithMods = true       # Enables achievements with mods active
FormCaching = true                      # Attempts to speed up the global form table by caching recently used forms (SSE Fixes)
MaxStdio = true                         # Sets the maximum number of open file handles to 2048 (default 512), preventing the game from running out with large plugin counts (fixes false save corruption)
RegularQuicksaves = false               # Makes quick saves into regular saves
SaveAddedSoundCategories = true         # Save sound categories added by mods
ScrollingDoesntSwitchPOV = false        # Disables swapping between 1st/3rd person when using scroll to zoom, making it require manual swapping
SleepWaitTime = false                   # Modifies how long it takes an hour to pass when sleeping/waiting.
SleepWaitTimeModifier = 0.3             # 1.0 = default, smaller = faster, larger = slower
TreeLODReferenceCaching = true          # Speeds up the slow Tree LOD function. Requires FormCaching to be active. (SSE Fixes)
WaterflowAnimation = true               # Decouple water flow animation speed from in-game timescale and use our setting instead
WaterflowSpeed = 20.0                   # 20.0 = default, smaller = slower, larger = faster
ArcheryDownwardAiming = true            # Fix a bug where arrows don't fire properly if you're aiming downward while crouching on a ridge
AnimationLoadSignedCrash = true         # Fix a misplaced use of a signed value. Should allow to load more animations before CTD
BethesdaNetCrash = true                 # Fix the game crashing on startup if you live in a city or country with special characters in the name
BSLightingAmbientSpecular = true        # Fix bug where lighting template Directional Ambient Specular & Fresnel Power are sent to BSLighting shader incorrectly
BSLightingShaderForceAlphaTest = true   # Forces alpha test flag on when NiAlphaProperty/AlphaTest true. Fixes object LOD reflections.
BSLightingShaderParallaxBug = true      # Fixes a bug causing the parallax technique to break if specular is not also set
BSTempEffectNiRTTI = true               # Fixes a bug where the NiRTTI for this object is not set properly
CalendarSkipping = true                 # Fix a bug where the game calendar effectively skips a year if you fast travel too far between 20:00 and 23:99 in-game
CellInit = true                         # Fixes a rare crash where a form does not get converted from an id to a pointer
ConjurationEnchantAbsorbs = true        # Fix bug where spell absorption triggers on enchanted items using conjuration summons
CreateArmorNodeNullptrCrash = true      # Fix typo that may cause a crash somewhere in CreateArmorNode
DoublePerkApply = true                  # Fix NPC perks applying twice when you load a game
EquipShoutEventSpam = true              # Fix a bug where the "equip shout" procedure will send a "shout equipped" event even if the shout fails to equip
GetKeywordItemCount = true              # Fix the condition function "GetKeywordItemCount", which returns broken results in numerous cases
GHeapLeakDetectionCrash = true          # Fix a crash where scaleform attempts to report a memory leak but the code doesnt exist in Skyrim's build
LipSync = true                          # Fix a bug causing lip sync to desync. Same as LE bug fix.
MemoryAccessErrors = true               # Fix a handful of out-of-bounds or use-after-free bugs. Required for experimental memory patches.
MO5STypo = true                         # Fix a typo preventing the game from loading MO5S (1st person female alternate texture set) entries in ARMA forms
NullProcessCrash = true                 # Fix a couple cases where the game can crash when checking the equipped weapons of an actor without an AI process
PerkFragmentIsRunning = true            # Fix crash if the IsRunning function of a Perk Fragment is called on a non-Actor form
RemovedSpellBook = true                 # Fix a crash where learning a spell from a book that is later removed in another plugin causes a crash in inventory
SaveScreenshots = true                  # Fix black save screenshots when TAA is disabled
SlowTimeCameraMovement = true           # Fix camera movement sensitivity during slow time
TorchLandscape = true             # Fix a bug where torches sometimes don't light the landscape
TreeReflections = true                  # Fix tree LOD reflection alpha. ENB contains this fix, but there is no conflict.
VerticalLookSensitivity = true          # Make vertical look sensitivity not tied to framerate
WeaponBlockScaling = true               # Fix weapon blocking so it correctly scales off of the blocking actor's weapon
DupeAddonNodes = false                  # Warns if there are two or more addon nodes (ADDN) with the same node index in your load order
RefHandleLimit = true                   # Warns when you are close to the reference handle limit at main menu and after loading a save
RefrMainMenuLimit = 800000              # Handle count to warn at on main menu
RefrLoadedGameLimit = 1000000           # Handle count to warn at after loading a save game
MemoryManager = false                   # Disables Skyrim's memory manager in favor of standard allocation (Use OS Allocators), can help with ILS
UseTBBMalloc = true                     # Uses TBBMalloc instead of standard allocators, only active if MemoryManager is true
SaveGameMaxSize = false                 # Expands the maximum uncompressed size of a save game from 64 MB to 128 MB# can fix "crash on save" issue in long-runnning saves


Edited by VulcanTourist
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I don't understand. Do you see there's no mod enabled on the right column? Perhaps you're not familiar with Mod Organizer, so let me put it back the way it was before I disabled the mod so I wouldn't get the mod alert when loading the game, as explained in the OP. Weird! I could attach a PNG in the OP but not in this reply; well the image is there.


Are you trying to convey that by some trickery the mods that wouldn't disable the achievements removed their need to have the esp extension? I'm sorry, you might have explained it properly but if so, it flew over me. Perhaps you'd like to get to my 2 questions?


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Use of any mod at all will normally disable achievements; this is a feature of the game itself. In order to restore that, you need trickery enabled by an SKSE64 plugin DLL mod. A traditional mod cannot reverse the disablement. The DLL has access to the game in memory and can alter what is required to trick the game into believing there are no active mods when actually there are (or something like that).


Achievements Mod Enabler is the massively endorsed one that I used before I discovered that SSE Engine Fixes included this feature. You MUST have something like this to trick the game into thinking you have no mods. It of course has nothing at all to do with which mod manager you might use (or none at all).


Am I misunderstanding the problem?

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So to address your 1st post (overall #2), I should unckeck my mods 1-by-1 until the game gives me the same warning I got when this whole thing started, then keep it disabled and instead use configuration change to achieve the same thing? And once that's done I'll be able to put in any # of mods and I'd never get that warning (mod = no achievement) ?

Edited by DynV
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So to address your 1st post (overall #2), I should unckeck my mods 1-by-1 until the game gives me the same warning I got when this whole thing started, then keep it disabled and instead use configuration change to achieve the same thing? And once that's done I'll be able to put in any # of mods and I'd never get that warning (mod = no achievement) ?

We seem to be having a language issue... I cannot understand some of what you've been saying, but I've been trying to work around that. What do you mean by "configuration change"? It sounds like you've misunderstood me, too. No, this is not and cannot be done by changing a game config file. You must have either SSE Engine Fixes or Achievements Mod Enabler installed in order to earn achievements when you have (other) mods. Use SSE Engine Fixes, BOTH parts, unless you have some good reason for avoiding it. You don't need any of this business of enabling and disabling mods one at a time... I don't understand what your purpose is there. All you need to do is install BOTH parts of SSE Engine Fixes (the second part MUST be manually installed) and enable that. SSE Engine Fixes also has requirements, too, most important being SKSE64, so you need to check its requirements on its NexusMods page and make sure you also install those.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Use SSE Engine Fixes, BOTH parts, unless you have some good reason for avoiding it.

Sorry for the delay. I did so, including the requirements (and restarting the system) but I still get the OP warning when enabling a mod that isn't... well I decided to do more testing then try to review your suggestion and I managed to do it. I installed 2 wrong versions of SKSE64, the top one and the Steam one, then the right one: Current SE build 2.0.19 (runtime 1.5.97); for archival I'm assuming the future right one will have the same name beginning (Current SE).


Thank you again


Update 1: I ended up using BlanketScarfSE and this & that is a sample of the screenshots I took with it.

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