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Alright now we'll install EE ...


In your Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install folder copy the Data folder and paste it in your game's Oblivion folder. Use OBMM to activate Enhanced Economy.esp and then sort your load order with BOSS.


Start your game and if you have a save that is close to a merchant load that save. To test that EE is working try to haggle with the merchant but set the slider quite high so that it fails five times. See if that then makes it so you can't haggle any more.


If EE is working we will install Better Cities (after adding one more file I missed in the BC preparations).

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there is an another that is on the esp that is called (Enhanced Economy - house prices.esp) i didnt tick that on just on case and i test with only (Enhanced Economy.esp) on and try to selle my sword and 5 time on high and nothing happen it still let me try to selle the sword sorry

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I don't use the House prices.esp myself (so my houses are just vanilla price).


Ya I missed one other Enhanced Economy.ini settings that needs to be changed.


This time open the Enhanced Economy.ini that is located in your game's Oblivion\Data\Ini folder and just a small amount below that auto-haggle setting we changed find:


set tnoEE.haggleDispositionFactor to 5
and change it to
set tnoEE.haggleDispositionFactor to 0
and then save the file.
It should work after that change.
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No ... one of the effcts of EE is you aren't allowed to pick the grapes at Skingrad (it's considered stealing). Let me look at a couple of other settings.

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