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OK lets set EE aside for now and come back to it later.


Open OBMM and turn off the tick in both Enhanced Economy.esp and Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp (we can leave the files all in place they shouldn't hurt anything).

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No that is not the case at all Wolf. Yes I am a bit perplexed about why EE is not working but sometimes it's best to let something sit for a while and then all of a sudden the light will light up and I'll go "That's what it is ... of course".


While we are waiting for Striker's light to come on we will see about the Better Cities.


Before we install there was one file I missed that we will need.


In the folder 40 Bravil Vanilla copy the file Better Cities - Bravil Vanilla.bsa and paste it into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.

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OK we will use the previous Data folder backup if it is required ... OK now enough negative thoughts Striker, think positive!!


I have just found another Striker error we need to fix first ...


In your game's Oblivion\Data folder find the folder named bettercitiesresources and delete it.


Next in the Better Cities extracted download find the 43 Roberts Male folder and copy the folder named meshes and paste into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.

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question do you mean i install one of my backup to my game or do you mean i download a new backup?

also i dont see (bettercitiesresources) in my game folder but i do see a it in Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder but it called (better cities resources.esp) do you mean that one?

and done with 43 Roberts Male folder

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Yes ... I was meaning the one in the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder (so Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data\bettercitiesresources ... it will have the folder icon and no file extension and no spaces in the file name). It won't break anything but that is the wrong spot.


The correct spot is Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data\meshes\bettercitiesresources (again all folders, no file extensions).


The file named Better Cities Resources.esm needs to stay in the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder (so Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data\Better Cities Resources.esm).

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