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Invisible SCOL Textures


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If anyone could help me with this it would be much appreciated. I tried creating a SCOL in the geck by duplicating a building (a few pieces at a time). Once I had it I then used ctrl+g to make it into a scol collection. However all that comes up is the usual red exclamation mark.


Could anyone point out where I'm going wrong?

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Do you have this folder structure set up? Data\Meshes\SCOL? I'm not sure if the GECK will create it if you don't but, this is where the new SCOL meshes need to live.


Are you getting this issue in the GECK or In game?


Remember, if your going to use static collections in your mod, You'll need to include the meshes when you release your mod or. brake them up again by using ctrl+g again.

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Thanks, I'll take a look at that this evening. The texture problems in the Geck, and thanks for the tip on breaking it back up. Those bethesda tutorials only take you so far!


- Many thanks that saved the textures. As an aside, other than the bethesda tutorials does anyone know of others that are in depth on features like vendors or containers?

Edited by Luke683
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To be clear the Red "!" doesn't mean missing Texture it means missing Model. when a texture is missing the model will be there but, it will take on the textures of whatever it is next to. In game as the player moves around it the textures will change as the characters view looks at new textures.


I don't know any good tutorial on containers or vendors but, what do you need help with? Containers are easy, vendors can be a bit tricky but, once you understand them there not that bad.

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