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Moments when you cried bulls***.


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Found this thread, felt the need to vent.


Now, this is more an issue with the engine/game itself, not anything involving shitty misses and stuff. I was on a shot-down large battleship. I'd cleared up to the final room where the Ethereal and Muton Elites were. I took them out, and when the last one died, I expected the mission to be over. Nope. So I ended the turn. One of my guys heard movement from the section to the left, which none of my guys could currently see. No aliens showed up. So on my turn, I moved some guys up there, nothing. Moved them to the forward of the ship, nothing. Flew a guy in Archangel armor straight up to see the whole room...nothing. And then one of the guys I'd left at the door heard something behind him! So I moved him out into the room, saw a group of Mutons. There is absolutely NO WAY these guys were behind me the whole time, I'd cleared every single section of the ship up to that point. Teleporting bug, yay. Why it moved them so freaking far away I have no idea.


So, I took a shot and killed one. On their turn, the other three ran back through the door they had come from. My turn again, I run forward...and they're gone. I used Run'n'Gun to get as far as I could go, and nothing. I end my turn, and the guy flying in the middle of the room back where the Ethereal was gets shot at from the opposite side of the room from where my guys are! My turn, I move over, sure enough there are three Mutons. What in f*#@ing hell? So they went from one side of the room, to half way down the map, back up to the opposite side of the room.


I seriously don't understand what's causing that, or why they haven't fixed it. But it's getting seriously annoying. I'd experienced it before, but mostly with Thin Men on Abduction missions. Those screwballs teleport all over the damned place.

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This happened just minutes ago...


> Playing first run of Enemy Within. Was happily waiting for the construction of Psi Labs.

> Saw the holo-globe flicker and a cut scene start.

> "Oh crap this must be the base defense part" I thought.

> Sees almost all of my main soldiers wearing the base equipment and armor rather than the titan armor, plasma weaponry, and other gear I usually give them.

> "Must be because my last mission head almost everyone in the hospital so I'm just left with the mainly non-equipped guys," I rationalized, still calm.

> Put up a good fight making use of the base weaponry, grenades, and a lot of luck.

> After losing a third of my forces, including three colonels, and my two MEC troopers one shot away from death, I get to the last wave.

> Sees two cyber disks, a mechtoid, and a sectoid commander.

> "Well this is going to be tough," I thought.

> Sees an ethereal and a muton elite.

> "[Curses loudly]"


Granted, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Between the handful of soldiers I had left I was able to eliminate the invaders all the way down to their ethereal leader and was even quite lucky that my fully geared assault guy shrugged off the first mind-control effect and managed to kill several of the worst aliens. Of course it all ended up with a 1 on 1 match between my unequipped Zhang (who thankfully had a good amount of gene mods) and the ethereal. With a single rocket and a few good shots with the light machine gun, I managed to take the full hp ethereal (because PSI Drain is also bs) down to less than half hp before it managed to kill Zhang.


So, the scenario was ridiculous since out of all my best soldiers I was given for the mission, only two of them actually had their normal equipment, but considering how close it got I admit it was a good fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never saw an ethereal in the base defense mission... or a muton elite... I feel cheated.


As for BS moments... when MEC troopers shoot a muton or a cyberdisk or a mechtoid or a sectopod point-blank or from 1 square away and somehow still manage to miss. My grandmother could hit that shot, every time, with her eyes closed (and she's dead). It really should be impossible to miss given that the MEC's gun barrel is practically touching the target. And the target is of the size of a small building. Yet they manage to miss anyway.

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I never saw an ethereal in the base defense mission... or a muton elite... I feel cheated.


As for BS moments... when MEC troopers shoot a muton or a cyberdisk or a mechtoid or a sectopod point-blank or from 1 square away and somehow still manage to miss. My grandmother could hit that shot, every time, with her eyes closed (and she's dead). It really should be impossible to miss given that the MEC's gun barrel is practically touching the target. And the target is of the size of a small building. Yet they manage to miss anyway.


I think its really depends on the month and setting. In my 1st playthrough in Normal i got Ethereal, 2 sectoid commader, 2 Elite Mutton, 1 Sectopod, and 1 mechtoid in the last wave. I think base defence is really fun the key is put them in one location and have them overwatch and Luck. I am guessing I am lucky due they give me 2 colonel and 1 officer in the 1st wave especially a Mech. Then another colonel Mech w/ 2 Xcom security staff but the last backup that Bradford gave me one colonel Gene sniper. Seriously I am defending XCOM base and the last back up they gave me one soldier. I am guessing i lost few casuality like 4 Xcom security staff. Also its really weird one Xcom security staff has been promoted sadly he died.


Totally wish in some alien abduction and terror mission you can call some Xcom Security staff to help you just for being a cannon fodder..

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I never saw an ethereal in the base defense mission... or a muton elite... I feel cheated.


As for BS moments... when MEC troopers shoot a muton or a cyberdisk or a mechtoid or a sectopod point-blank or from 1 square away and somehow still manage to miss. My grandmother could hit that shot, every time, with her eyes closed (and she's dead). It really should be impossible to miss given that the MEC's gun barrel is practically touching the target. And the target is of the size of a small building. Yet they manage to miss anyway.


I Loled So Hard Lol, That Was The Best Thing I Ever Read So Far On The Forums Lol

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yes..I have had many such "WHAT????" moments: From point blank (ie next door) misses with even a pistol to alien shots across the screen from a handheld pistol which take out my man in full cover and hunkered down. My husband was in combat and he rolls around the floor laughing saying that you will get something like that once a tour but not repeatedly.


landed next to an abduction ship: first trooper I moved saw SIX enemy (2 cyber discs and 4 drones) and as next one hits cover SIX mutons popup (2 elite) and then I move next guy into cover and SIX floaters jumped in...only one left was the ouitsider.


I was massacred like 5x but kept trying and eventually managed the scenario without loss but to insult this with the term:"scumsave" is a punishable offence IMHO as there is no way that they could have all 18 troops just waiting near my landing spot.


I increased my squad size to 10 and tried from the base autosave and had exactly the same result: all killed....so I went back to my hard earned first run through and said hello to them all in hospital :sad:

Edited by Roxana
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  • 7 months later...

worst for me: First playthrough ever, first abductor ship that had landed (not shot down). I'm comming in through the giant loading bay side. The insertion spot is really close this time. I move 1 guy forward to the stasis pod right in front of him...and uncover 3 mutons. Right there at the insertion point.


I position my second soldier off to the side, and forward a bit (1 square further than 1st guy), behind some full cover...and can peer just a bit further in, and uncover...3 sectoid commanders.


I've moved a total of 3 tiles forward at this point.


Sniper in archangel flies up and to the side...uncovers the rest of the bay (a mistake, but I was hoping to get him clear of the carnage). There are 2 sectoids, and 3 more heavy floaters.... All right there in the bay, about 2 feet from the insertion zone.


Disabling shot, dense smoke, and explosives galore, tons of luck, and I won that fight...only my sniper survived.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I recently had a pretty shocking experience on the first crash site mission. I accidentally triggered the outsider too soon, and I was trying to find a way to close the gap and kill it in one fell swoop. He went into overwatch behind full cover, so I called my scout to action. He was close to what I'd guess would be maximum range. Triggered the overwatch, lightning reflexes, and BOOM! Blood, guts, and spittin' ass all over pavement; one shot kill. I just sat there staring at my screen for a couple minutes.


Luckily I was able to take it out without any other casualties (it even missed a shot from just outside shotgun range).

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