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five dads in vault 112


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just one part of the whole 'Vault 112 potent-hallucinogenics-in-the-air' experience, daddyo. Just go with it. they don't stay for long.



That's not vault 112. 112 is where the Tranquility Lane simulation is. Vault 106 is the one you are thinking of, if my memory serves me correctly.

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  • 1 month later...

actually they all showed up again when i left the garage and were heading to project purity

possibly they will not show up there if i fast travel to it

Do you have any mods installed that add new NPC's? what might cause this is, the user/author used the template of the dad or parts of it....4 times as a base code for their NPC additions. as a result, DAD shows up 5 times. with out knowing what you have loaded, you need to determine which of your mods is causing it by hard saving out side the garage. exit. and untick the add on mods one at a time and go back in each time till you see only 1 dad there. once it goes away. re enable 1 at a time and check to see and make sure you know which mod it is.


The author can then be notified of the error and allow him or she to correct it. at least a way has been given to find out.



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I have five "dad" s in vault 112 .


i have seen an answer for this before somewhere on the internet


but hours of searching have failed to turn it up






LoL !


Sorry, I have no idea what's wrong with your game, but that's the funniest thing I've read all day!



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