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EVE Menu Compatability Mod


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How do I use the Unofficial EVE compatibility patch with Paradox Ignition and Blackened patches. I'm trying to use the FWE, WMK, MMM and Project Beauty version.


I'm probably missing something blindingly obvious but the Unofficial EVE Patch needs the normal base EVE? I can use standard EVE with FOIP no problem but the paradox/blackened should use less esm/esp's so would likely be more stable.


Without the Unofficial Patch I have no menus so not useing it is not an option.


Any Ideas?

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I Tried a fresh install installing in the following order


FWE part 1 6.0

FWE part 2 6.0

FWE Hotfix 6.03

MMM 6.1

MMM Update 6.2

WMK 1.19

WMK DLC addons 1.19

WMK FWE Patch 1.19

Fallout Redesigned v2.72

Paradox EVE (made fresh with new EVE v097 Files+Patches)

Blackened FWE - MMM - EVE - Project Beauty 1.2


The Merge was made with the meshes, textures, and sounds of: EVE 097 Main, Operation Anchorage Fix, Newest Update and Updated Mesh in that order.


No other mods were installed execpt FOSE v1.2b2


The Load screen was visible for ~10sec, then the titles play and the game hangs on the menu screen with no buttons. when i alt-tab out the "Fallout has stopped responding" is showing and then it CTD's


Edit: Spelling Adjustments

Edited by crackpotmark
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It would appear that my problem was that i was using v 1.0 of paradox eve merger. I have updates to v1.1 and all appears to be well. The game loads just fine. I assume that the mod will function in game as well so i thank you for your help. :biggrin: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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