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Insane Weapon Damage


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So the other day I noticed that some of the weapons in my game have crazy damage stats. Daggers that do over 500+ either by drop or by crafting is one example. Like I say it hasn't been all of them and it hasn't be relegated to mod weapons...I even deactivated the immersive weapons mod to see if that helped and it did not.


I saw one other post about this but did not see any answers...any ideas?

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Havent used SkyRE or a reproccer...up untill now didnt know about them. I did install and run BOSS however, and that did not fix the issue. The mods Im using:


Adventures of Umbra Nocturnum

Apocalypse Spell Package

Battle Claws

Better Skyrim Intro Music

Black Overlord Armor

Deadly Dragons

Dues Mons

Dragon Falls Manor

Dragon Knight Armor

Dragon Knight Helmet

Dragon Knowledge

Dragon Tomb

Enhanced Companions

FluxMod Artifact Perk

Forgotten Mastery


Immersive Armors

Immersive Skyrim

Immersive Weapons

Improved Blacksmithing

Magic Mastery

Marsh Catacombs


Monster Hunter 3 Mod

Monster Hunter for Skyrim

Monster Hunter Series Weapons

Open Sesame



Spouses Can Live Everywhere

Tara Rocks and Mountains

The Asteria

The Beast Within

The Dance of Death

Thieves Drop Armor

Thunderbolt Shout Package

Twenty New Perks

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Warzones Civil Unrest

Werewolf Lord Armor

Werewolf Mastery

Werewolf Reborn

Winter is Coming- Cloaks

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Havent used SkyRE or a reproccer...up untill now didnt know about them. I did install and run BOSS however, and that did not fix the issue. The mods Im using:


Adventures of Umbra Nocturnum

Apocalypse Spell Package

Battle Claws

Better Skyrim Intro Music

Black Overlord Armor

Deadly Dragons

Dues Mons

Dragon Falls Manor

Dragon Knight Armor

Dragon Knight Helmet

Dragon Knowledge

Dragon Tomb

Enhanced Companions

FluxMod Artifact Perk

Forgotten Mastery


Immersive Armors

Immersive Skyrim

Immersive Weapons

Improved Blacksmithing

Magic Mastery

Marsh Catacombs


Monster Hunter 3 Mod

Monster Hunter for Skyrim

Monster Hunter Series Weapons

Open Sesame



Spouses Can Live Everywhere

Tara Rocks and Mountains

The Asteria

The Beast Within

The Dance of Death

Thieves Drop Armor

Thunderbolt Shout Package

Twenty New Perks

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Warzones Civil Unrest

Werewolf Lord Armor

Werewolf Mastery

Werewolf Reborn

Winter is Coming- Cloaks


Well, you are running some mods that increase your damage or add new perks. You might want to look over those to see if you find them overpowered. Your damage may be getting multiplied by more than 1 mod, or multiplied by enchantment/smithing bonuses beyond their expected values. You can also check your base weapon damage values and see if they are normal inside the creation kit. It's very easy to do, so don't be intimidated if you are not familiar with the CK. There's many tutorials available and simply looking at a weapon and checking/changing its stats is simple.

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