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Why am I still playing Skyrim?


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Why am I still playing Skyrim? That's simple ;) Because there's so many places where i haven't been yet and so many things i want to do ;) I started getting bored with Skyrim recently, but Dragonborn was released so i had to buy it (by the way check this store http://www.go2arena.com/the-elder-scrolls.html - i haven't heard about them and they have really good offer) and i'm still addicted :P

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because there is NOTHING to do after you beat far cry 3. you will rarely see enemies as the all camps are cleared and there's few side missions.


and the MP is just a COD clone such a shame

I know, right? I've finally unlocked all the tattoos... and now no one to kill?

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Becasue Bethesda has a monoploy on open-world do what you will RPGs.


as for coming back and playing an elder scrolls game, you can replay it a lot more then Farcry or Call of Duty befoe it gets dull (except for the "Wolverines!" level in Modern Warfare 2, that was a lot of fun)

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I'm also having this problem! But it's worse... I can't go back to Oblivion or Morrowind because I feel they are too dated. Why oh why?!

Do they 'look' dated? Oblivion's gameplay is pretty close to Skyrim's and available mods can close that gap even more. Graphically, it still looks great and again, there are tons of mods to bring the graphical quality up by a large degree. For Morrowind, there's nothing unfortunately (at least that I've found) that can make the gameplay itself better (I'm not a fan of the dice-roll combat system), but the only thing you need to make it look freakin' great is MGSO, a phenomenal collection of graphical mods that really go a long way to making it look like it's not an 11 year old game, and that alone makes it worth the time to play through. Not to mention the available world mods such as Tamriel Rebuilt that add so so so much to the game it's ridiculous.

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One thing I noticed playing fallout 3, I played through once as a certain type of character, finished the main quest, and had many unexplored regions and quests left to go back and do. I tried a new character playthrough in a different style and it just didn't feel right- I kept remembering my original character. That experience felt so real that to replay felt really fake.


Maybe the trick with skyrim is that none of the quests are all that emotionally satisfying. They give you a taste but don't really finish the job. Hence it is easy to come back looking for more....

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The problem with Skyrim vanilla imho is that the given quests are almost completely railroaded experiences without allowing the player freedom of choice. Decisions don't matter and the guild quests are painfully short. In fact I stopped playing the game for a year because those facts irritated me to no end. To really enjoy Skyrim you need to throw all that out the window and make your own goals to achieve. Do you want to explore, do you want to amass wealth? Do you want to ignore all those limited quests? Sure you can its your choice.


You don't need a vast amount of mods to make the game feel different. For my own tastes I use the Community Level Uncapper, all the ACE modules, Alternate Start: Live Another Life, UFO and a few different armour and graphics mods, but its not a huge list compared to some. I also use Frostfall and Manshooter's Primary Needs mod. Currently I'm just playing as a hunter and concentrating on survival because I'm enjoying that way of playing.

The game is really what you choose to make of it and I think people come back to it because of its open ended world, not many games have the TES series sense of freedom. As for graphics, sure they're nothing spectacular but that can be easily solved with some decent lighting mods, texture packs or even ENB.

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