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Clothing and Armor seperate equips


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This is something that would especially tie in well with Nudity mods or armor durability mods.


I want to be able to equip both clothing and armor. The armor should, of course, go over the clothing, but if you're wearing a topless armor with a shirt, then the shirt would show up. Sleeveless armor with a long-sleeved shirt should show the shirt's sleeves.


If this is made, I would especially like it to tie into a mod that adds seperate Greaves and Torso armor, but even just having seperate shirts and pants would work well.


Yes, clothing should still be able to be enchanted, meaning this would effectively allow you to have a lot more enchantments, but I don't really see that as overpowered since player-made enchantments seem to be weak anyways.

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I saw a mod do something like this before, though I don't remember where/when I saw it.

I'm pretty sure it didn't show the clothing under the armor, but you could equip both. More than a few mods have armor equipment sets that layer on top one another, but doing this for default armor/clothing would be alot of work(probably). Since clothing is generally smaller than armor, I wonder if I could achieve a simular result simply by changing the equipment slots of clothes in ck?

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