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a little Help needed on (FO3Edit) Modding


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Hi there,


I'm working on a bigger mod, but encountered a few problems I cannot handle myself:


1st: I'm creating new Perks, and some have negative values. Those are, or better should be "Reduced Sneak" and "Reduced Damage"(lower dmg output of the pc), but I don't know how to set this up. Usually, when creating a Perk with FO3Edit, I create the Perk itself, set references to the effects(in FO3Edit: Spell) which have references to the effects(in FO3Edit: Magic Effect), but since reduced dmg and sneak are not present, I really need help for this.


2nd: Again about Perks, but this time the Condition and PC's Level. I created a Perk with 4 Ranks. While the 1st Rank is obtainable at lvl 2, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th level should be available at later levels(let's say lvl 5 for the 2nd Rank). I'm quite sure that this can be done with Condition in the Perk itself, but I don't know what I have to write for Condition and/or Perk Condition.


3rd: The Last Problem I have with Perks, is again about Conditions: When selecting a specific Perk, Another one should be unavailable. Better Explanation, When selecting let's say Perk X on level 2, Perk Y will be unavailable for the rest of the game. The same happens when selecting Perk Y, in that case X won't be available anymore. That has to work with the Level Condition I explained above, would be great if someone could help me on that.

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1: you will need to create a new magic effect for these. It's pretty easy to do so with the GECK.


2: Look in the GECK at existing Perks (or a Perk mod that already does this).


3: I think this can be done by script. Start both perks as enabled, and set a script to run from game start (use a quest for this) that disables Perk B if Perk A is added to the player character, and vice versa.

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1: you will need to create a new magic effect for these. It's pretty easy to do so with the GECK.


2: Look in the GECK at existing Perks (or a Perk mod that already does this).


3: I think this can be done by script. Start both perks as enabled, and set a script to run from game start (use a quest for this) that disables Perk B if Perk A is added to the player character, and vice versa.



AH, Of course, why didn't I think of that? That's a good idea, I mean point 3. Yes, I will give it a try, thanks^^

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