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Delay in melee combat only!?


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<p>Ok so I have some weird input delay with melee combat only (magic and bows work fine) and I know it is not lag because I run at 15-30 fps. Basically I can keep swing my sword, axe, hammer, or whatever melee weapon forever and nothing connects (no sound of hit) and no damage is dealt until I pause and unpause or similar (open and close inventory, open and close favorite menu, etc) and I die instantly from excessive damage from this sometimes.

Also happens to NPC's.

And it is not a mod because I tried disabling them all.


And also this might be related to the issue but sheathing and unsheathing has a delay, I look like im holding my sword but it is still in my back or side for a few seconds or until a game pause, -vise versa.


Any ideas anyone?

Edited by BlackymcBlackman
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Script delay? Are you running mods with scripts? With only 15 fps, it sounds like your computer can't handle how you're trying to play the game. Keep in mind that just disabling a mod with a script in it does not always remove the script, and can, in fact, bake the script into your save game if you do not stop the script before disabling/uninstalling.

Edited by aoxer
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I have script dragon for skyrim but I tryed moving and unchecking all mods, didn't work.

If you don't have mods that require using script dragon, I wouldn't use script dragon. Also, like I said, if you had mods that used scripts and you did not stop the scripts before disabling them, the scripts are still running. Check the mod pages of all the mods you had installed previously and see if any are running scripts. If they are, check if there is a special uninstall procedure. Many mods that use scripts require you to shut down the script before uninstalling the mod to prevent the script lingering on forever.

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Also im sure it is not mods because I got into mods beacuse of this (looking for combat enhancement mod). This happened way before I had any mods. And I know it is not my computer because it worked until I had to delete my other user account and create a new one (on windows vista).

Just saw this. Try verifying your install with Steam and then deleting both your INI files (Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini) to get the game to create new ones. Start a new character and test if you have combat lag. If you do, reduce your settings and then try a new character again until you get acceptable results. If you can't get it fixed, come back and post your computer specs.

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No one might know what causes this?? I think it is an input delay, but what causes those? I tryed changing my resolution (to 800x600) and it helped (it comes and goes now)..


Sorry you haven't had luck yet. I'm scratching my head on this one. Did you remove Script Dragon and try reinstalling Skyrim?

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