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Would like help getting on some texture stuff for a personal mod


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sorry for the strange title

i decided to change what i was going to type halfway and accidentally didnt delete it all


id like to combine the lighter texture of this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21643 with the model of this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22684 for a standalone personal armor that im not going to upload or anything


what ive done is create a texture set using the textures the stormborn mod adds into my texture folder and then applied them to the craftable model of the other mod


but only one set of textures for that mod is in my texture folder and its the darker one

but when in game the standalone armor has the lighter one


there are three textures for each piece of equipment

for example the cuirass has cuirassplate.dds, cuirassplate_em.dds and cuirassplate_n.dds


in the texture set i used cuirassplate.dds for the diffuse (the first one)

cuirassplate_n.dds for gloss (not sure if thats the right name but the second one)

and cuirassplate_em.dds for the enviromental mask (the third one)


if someone could help me out id appreciate it

Edited by MrBlues
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The filename of x.dds (x being whatever the texture is called) is the visual texture. The x_n.dds is the normal map which is used to simulate 3d lighting on a 2d surface. I don't know what the x_m.dds is, but I imagine it's either a displacement, occlusion, or specularity texture.


Either way, they all match up and work together, so when copying files over you'll need to do all 3 at the same time otherwise it'll look somewhat funky.


You could simply copy the source mods textures into the target mods folder, rename the source mods files to the targets mod files and hope for the best. I've never done this before, and I actually doubt it'll work as the textures need to fit the meshes, and it probably won't. It'll take a lot of work to manually extract a texture from say just the chest piece and set it in the correct place for the new armour.


Perhaps someone will prove me wrong, but that's just my understanding of it all.

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the textures are in the right places im pretty sure

the armor doesnt look weird

its just not the right texture


if you look at the first picture of the stormborn iron armor mod

my armor looks like the one on the right

im trying to get it to look like the one on left

but there are no other textures in my textures folder

but when im in game the standalone armor looks like the one on the left


the sleeved armor uses the iron armor texture folder

so im pretty sure unless i apply it directly whatever textures i put in there would affect all iron armors

and i want it only on this one

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