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Locations - making?

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is a 'location' a collections of cells? Or can it be something else, if so how would boundaries be created in the CK. Can a cell belong to more than one location?


I ask because my most recent - very beta! - mod uses the OnLocationChange event. My first skyrim mod involves patches for pools etc. to create trigger boxes for auto-undressing, some of these pools are outdoors. I would like to add in those patches some location data that my newest mod could detect. Otherwise there could be conflict between the behaviour of the newest mod and the patches.


If there is another way for actors to detect that they are about to enter a trigger box and get some keyword or other identifier I would be interested too.


My newest mod auto changes outfits, it's been done and almost certainly better, but it's an itch I'm enjoying scratching:) I'm thinking of adding in swimming functionality, but I want to avoid any conflict with mods that add undressing in water, not just my patches but quite a few player home mods have these. Indoor water will be no probs as I intend to disable the swimming function in any location that has loctypedwelling, but outside is tricky.




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Locations are collection of cells or objects/actors, yeah. They don't exactly exist in the world.


Boundaries are defined by "regions" which in themselves may contain locations. These boundaries are hard to detect because a single region could be like 3-4 cells and what not and probably have no locations.

Edited by Rasikko
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That I don't know for sure, I would think that objects can't move under normal circumstances and thus can't actually trigger any location change. I have never heard or read of any instance of this Event being used on any form other than the player.


Objects can only be part of a location if they are set as a LocationRefType for that location. Actors will be part of the location if this location is set under Persist Location for their Reference Window.

Edited by Rasikko
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