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floating shrubs appearing that will not release


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i have unloaded all of my land/grass/tree mods tast travelled far - travelled back and they were stilll there just in low def, reinstalled and now they are still there floating away


**** edit 1: I did the console command : tg

toggle grass two times and it comes back when I re enable grass




any help is appreciated....







thank you


--- jaz

Edited by jasmerd
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I was able to fix this issue through a wiki post here is the link:


I used the first solution documented in this link - required modifying skyrimPrefs.ini and skyrim.ini grass settings - if you are having similar issues perhaps give this a go.


*edit 1: ugh!! I couldn't find the original wiki link but this is a similar fix doing nearly identical as to what the wiki suggested:



Edited by jasmerd
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