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Arcane Blacksmith Perk Not Working?


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First off, i'm sorry if this has already been posted. I dont mean to re-post but i'm kinda desperate. :(


Does anyone know why I can't improve enchanted items at all? I have my smithing up to like 84 or something and I have the Arcane Blacksmith perk unlocked. But when I attempt to improve an enchanted item the game tells me I do not have the required perk to improve the item.


So as an example, I have the "Dwarven Sword of Torpor" and I have a dwarven metal ingot. I also have the perk to improve dwarven armor as well as the arcane blacksmith perk. I go to a grindstone to improve the sword but I am given the message that I am unable to improve the weapon because I lack the required perk to do so.


I would also like to say I am using mods on my game but none that effect smithing at all. (Unless one of the unofficial patches do) So has this happened to anyone else before? Should I forget about enchanted items i find and just work on the enchanting skill tree and add enchantments myself? Though i would be kinda bumbed to not beable to improve thieves guild, DB, or nightingale armor...


If anyone could offer any help I would really appreciate it. I have tried my luck searching google and asking in the chat, but with no luck.


Please help...

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No its not just the sword. So far I have tried the thieves guild armor, two swords (dwarven and orcish), and a pair of boots with a stamina enchantment. As far as I can tell, it is any enchanted item. I mean I can keep trying with other things; other armor and weapons, bows, etc. I'm wondering if something is wrong with enchanted items in the game that they don't recognize I have the perk or if the perk itself is broken. I'm at a complete loss lol.

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  • 11 months later...

Today I experienced the same thing, I've had and been using Arcane Blacksmith, and had no trouble with it. But today I loaded my save and it was doing exactly what Stranger is having happen to him. I've tried removing the perk and re adding it to no avail. Does anyone know anything about this?

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  • 1 year later...

I've checked other forums. This is a widespread problem and uninstalling all you mods does not do anything. Unfortunately, this bug in in Skyrim, not a mod. I'm thinking of contacting Bethesda technical support.


However, I've noticed characters that are older ( created before a certain time) don't have the issue.


Maybe someone can create a mod/patch to fix this?

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What you might try is downloading Third Type Skill Overhauls Smithing plugin. It will return all your perk points from Smithing and then maybe try save, exit, then come back in game in and put the perk points back on, with or without TTRSO plugin. Then try again. It might trick the game see.


Probably there are other mods but this one I use and this is my general way of thinking when it comes to troubleshooting. Just remember to keep backed up saves if anything goes wrong

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