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any idea why my game suddenly has deiceded to to stop doing some thing


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Ok so my problem is actually meany problems all of which seemed to have started about the same time.


problem list:

1)can no longer use unrelenting force or do the quest the way of the voice as it requires you to use it near the start.( character sais the word FUS and shout timer comes on but there is absolutely no visual or physical effect.)

2)i can no longer interact with some things (not sure exactly how meany things but the two things i noticed where ore veins and the mushroom tower [tel'avez i think its called] in Dragonborn dlc.

3) I can no longer absorb dragon souls. At all. i kill the dragon and i can search it but the skin dose not disintegrated and no soul is absorbed and no sole can be used for shouts. Also i believe you need to kill/absorb a soul in order to start the Dragonborn main quest i heard.

4) As a werewolf i cannot access the other powers activating the favorites menu does nothing and i believe its suppose to bring up the powers.


i think that's all problems for now.


if any body has any idea of what the hek is going on your help would me much appreciated.

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