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pre-Miraak Solsthiem?


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Not as in pre-his exstance, but simply before he started to control the people.


Would anyone be interested in making/releasing a mod that (until you defeat your first dragon in the MQ) allows you to visit Solsthiem and quest, but has the people living normally, and the shrines/stones unbuilt? Not everyone does the MQ on many of their characters and never becoem the Dragonborn, I know I don't, and thus Solsthiem will never be avalable for them. This is a real shame.


Off the top of my head, it would take being able to travel by boat to the island without the cultist attack and reluctant captain, to have the NPCs all follow their post-Dragonborn-MQ schedules, and to 'disable' the standing stones. But then, i'm not a modder.


None the less, i'm sure this would be an immensly popular mod. Its a real shame for a whole landmass to be unavalable before a certain point in the main games main quest.


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