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Was Talos a BRETON?


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How's that?

From the mouths of Kurt Khuulman, a senior designer, and Michael Kirkbride, one of the series lore masters.





On the origin of Nedes

"The usual Imperial arrogance. The hoary old "Out of Atmora" theory has been widely discredited (no reputable archaeologist would publicly support it these days), but the Imperial Geographers continue to beat the drum of the Nordic Fatherland in the best tradition of the Septim Empire. They seem to think that the imprimature of officialdom gives their outdated scholarship added weight -- which, unfortunately, it appears to in the eyes of the ever-gullible public which continues to snap up the latest Pocket Guides along with the rest of their Imperial Certified pablum. (HA)"



Out of Atmora (07/10/08):

"And for the last time (uh huh), Nedes != Atmorans. That's just shoddy scholarship from a bygone regime."

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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So, Imperials don't descend from Atmorans? what's the opposing theory for the origin of humans in Tamriel?


Impeirals are the result of a mix of the native Nedic peoples, and the Atmorans.


As for how Humans got to Tamriel, all humans, except the Reguards, were forged atop High Hrothgar by Kyne in the dawn era. Some went south and became the Nedes, some went north and sailed the frozen northern oceans and became the Atmorans.



Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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I thought Lorkhan created men. I need some articles on this.


Kyne is Shor's husband, Shor being the Nord's name for Lorkhan. Lorkhan is the father of men, and Kyne is mankind's mother.


Nu-Mantia Intercept(written by Michael Kirkbride) - http://www.imperial-library.info/content/nu-mantia-intercept

"Do not believe the written histories.


All mortal life started on the starry heart of Dawn's beauty, Tamriel."


Children of the Sky - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Children_of_the_Sky

"Nords consider themselves to be the children of the sky. They call Skyrim the Throat of the World, because it is where the sky exhaled on the land and formed them."



"This is the highest mountain in Skyrim, and the highest in Tamriel aside from Vvardenfell in Morrowind. The Nords believe men were formed on this mountain when the sky breathed onto the land. Hence the Song of Return refers not only to Ysgramor's return to Tamriel after the destruction of Saarthal, but to the Nords' return to what they believe was their original homeland."



I know Gelebor, from the Dawnguard DLC, makes mention of the Nords claiming skyrim was thier orignal homeland as well.


And when we combine this with the known facts that Nedes are native to tamriel, and MK's assertion that all life began on Tamirel, and the Nords ancient beleifs, and the story of "Shor son of Shor" which had Nords fighting alongside Lorkhan's armies at the dawn time, and using High Hrotgar as aretreating point, the creation of man on top of the mountain seems highly likely, if not certain.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Interesting, wiki might be you're closest bet




Never use the Elder Scrolls wiki, ever, period. It's so full of fanon, and unsourced material, that anyone in the Bethesda lore forum will tell you to stay away from it.


Hell, the very FIRST line of that article is wrong.

"Lorkhan is one of the divine Aedra, and the one most directly responsible for the existence of Nirn."


Lorkhan isnt an Aedra, he didnt sacrifise part of himself at the creation of Mundus, nor is he bound to it, Lorkhan is an et'ada.


If you have to use anyhting, use UESP, or the Imperial Library.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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