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How big is your save, and is it stable?


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I started a new game with all DLCs and all Unofficial Patches only, when I leave Helgen Keep my save is already up to 4.7meg. Considering i'm the kind of guy who needs to complete everything, the journey ahead will be over 200 hours. Don't know if that's a normal amount of meg to have at this point, but it's been stripped down to these bare essentials. Here's hoping.

My 'Prisoner' save from just before character creation is 4.2 MB, so yeah I'd say 4.7 after Helgen Keep is fairly normal.

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Cool, I'd love to know if anyone is running close to 200 mods that has done 200 hours on one character that still gets around the same size hit. I know a lot of people play a certain kind of character, ie a thief character, mage character, etc, level them to 30, take 30 hours and start another character but i'd love to know if anyone can run so many mods for so long and still be stable.


@WatchMeGoing - Good to know, I tried with and without SKSE and patches and still the same.

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My last few games were stable, using Skyre and Dawnguard, along with about 50 other mods and 7 ugrids. I prefer the nice long views to having mods that spawn a bunch of creatures or NPCs. Also I generally add mods slowly in the beginning, and then, once I get what I want, I avoid making changes--including patches and mod updates. My last character was going strong at level 90-- well over 200 hours I am sure. I decided to start a new game because I wanted to add a couple new gameplay mods (Frostall and Realistic Needs) to run with Skyre.


I imagine there are people out there happily running 200 mods, but I think it would take a lot of care choosing and installing them to avoid eventual (or immediate) conflicts and/or exceeding the computer resources available, (depending on your system, of course!) My system is not that great, so I keep my mods number lower. I usually end up with 14 to 16 mb savegames, and generally have only had crashes due to my own mistakes.

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