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Is it safe to say Dragonborn is the end of Skyrim DLC?


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If Beth uses more or less the same technology as Skyrim for FO4 (so no big delays for tech development happen), I can see them announcing it at the end if this year and releasing it sometime in 2014. I wonder is Zenimax is going to "outsource" a TES or FO spinoff again like they did with FONV. While I don't see them going the CoD route, with releases each year, I do see them having another studio providing "offshoot" content while Bethesda Games Studios works on the next big title of their main franchises.


Feargus Urquhart at Obsidian (the developer that made F:NV) recently said that he'd be happy to make another Fallout offshoot, and Bethesda or Zenimax, depending on who would make the choice in the end, would be crazy not letting them do it. Considering how well New Vegas sold, and that Obsidian only got payed a fixed amount (as opposed to getting a percentage of the sales) for a team that was smaller, and worked a lot faster, than Bethesda's which made F3, it would seem like a very sound financial decision. Especially when keeping in mind that NV was a more complex game than Fallout 3 (65 k lines of dialogue compared to 40 k, more player choices that mattered, deeper characters, etc). Sure it was buggy, but a few more months of development would have ironed the worst ones out. The idea of another West Coast Fallout game made by Obsidian excites me a lot more than a F4 by Bethesda set in Boston and centered around "the Institute" (but that setting may be nothing more than a rumor).

It had more complexity in some areas and was made faster mainly because they got all the assets and the engine from Bethesda's FO3. Those two alone consume a LOT of time in game development. Having those sorted out leaves room for many things, which Obsidian took advantage of and did their thing with FONV. For example, that's why GSC could release 3 STALKER games on a relatively small frame of time. They have been developing Oblivion Lost for around 6 years, and after they scrapped it, they released 3 games in half that amount of time (ShoC 2007, Clear Sky 2009, Call of Prypiat 2010) out of the content they produced in those 6 years.


Thanks for that link, good to know that Beth and Obsidian are in good terms and they're talking about this. I'm also more excited about a possible Obsidian's FO rather than Bethesda's. Hopefully, if they make it, they can grab a more interesting place than Vegas (which was a way less interesting environment by itself than DC). As they mentioned, LA could be nice.


Anyway, talking about FO in the Skyrim forum is a bit off topic :biggrin:

Edited by eltucu
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