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Can't stop joining the imperials.


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My current play is as a Khajiit Monk who was released from Khajiit Caravan guard in Alternate Start - Live Another Life. . After some 30 hours of gameplay he has yet to step into any of the 9 holds cities (he doesn't feel like he'd be welcome there - since the Caravans obviously weren't). He's just now gotten to mingle with the locals at Shor's Stone and Karthwasten.


Throwing everything I know about the game away here's what he's been subjected to so far in terms of the Thalmor, the Imperials and the Stormcloaks.


1) 5 Thalmor patrols - 3 of them attacking Stormcloak patrols

2) 1 gazillion Forsworn - who attack anyone without discrimination

3) 5 Imperial patrols escorting prisoners

4) Thalmor slaughtering worshipers at a Shrine of Talos

5) A pretty secure looking Thalmor Embassy, with no real activity going on which seems kinda strange

6) Both sides war camps

7) Nearly all of Skyrim's natural resources are up for grabs - seems doubly odd.


He's forming his own opinion, and right now at least from the little information I have it looks like the Imperials and the Thalmor are fighting together against the Stormcloaks. The Forsworn aren't in allegiance with anyone; Thalmor, Imperial or Stormcloak - though I sometimes get the impression that I am their mortal enemy. Also, for some reason the Dark Brotherhood seem to want me dead and I have no reason why. They seem to be some Assassins organization but they must not be very good because they never seem to be able to sneak up on me and die way to easily. You'd think they'd use some poison every once in a while if they want me dead.


He tends to move from location to location in terms of his camp, right now he's settled in at Bilegulch Mine and found another promising site to move to right down the way at Knifepoint Ridge. Always on the move.

Edited by fraquar
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Just went and spoke to Hjornskar Head-Smasher at the Whiterun Stormcloak camp.

This is what he had to say


We fight to make out land great once more to raise up strong noble thanes and lay low false jarls and the cowards who hide behind them.

Skyrim is the birthplace of humanity the birth place of honor and those snowbacked imperials renounced both when they laid down before the Thalmor.

Worse still to pay for the privilege to keep his throne the empower sells skyrim and our very gods talos no less to the damn elves and what did torygg do? He and the jarls that supported him took the emporors gold and sold out their people for a slave masters "peace treaty".


If I was to choose who to follow just by listening to that I would go stormcloaks all the way.

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I prefer the Stormcloaks.


The recruiter (Not Ulfric) has some brilliant lines.

"The Emperor can kiss my ass!"

being one of them. Tullius is boring.

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i forgive them for it because It was my fault for being suspicious

ugh *facepalm*


This thread reminds me of playing New Vegas. I must have played that game a thousand times, but I only aligned with Caesar once, and only so I could make videos of every possible Hoover Dam battle. Never again. I just felt dirty.

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The Stormcloaks are racist and fascist terrorists. They keep saying stuff like "Skyrim for the Nords" and many other xenophobic slogans.


No. No matter how it may have been deteriorated, the Empire must stand. Divided we fall! Skyrim belongs to the Kajiit as well and Elsweyr belongs to the Nords. They can travel without visa, use the same currency and speak the same language everywhere in Cyrodiil. The Empire is not treating the Nords any different than its other citizens. These racist bastards are just too idiotic to see that they will be trapped in Skyrim if they break away whereas now they can live in anywhere they please in Cyrodiil.


And how do they treat those poor Dunmer!


Separatist *!%&'s

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i forgive them for it because It was my fault for being suspicious

ugh *facepalm*


This thread reminds me of playing New Vegas. I must have played that game a thousand times, but I only aligned with Caesar once, and only so I could make videos of every possible Hoover Dam battle. Never again. I just felt dirty.

Take things out of context much?

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