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How to make an object a container?


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I have seen some player home mods use jars and ingots as containers but have no idea how this is done.

Would appreciate it if someone could let me know.


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Great. It worked. I've just created a silver ingot that works as a chest.

But how do I stop it from being knocked, picked up and shot by arrows. I put a collision box around it but arrows still knock it and It cant be access with one.

Any ideas?

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Do it this way for all of your 'unique' containers, I've have to resort to this after messing around with the havok problem. Make the object you intend to be the visual (silver ingot) a static, and place an invisible container over top of it. To make the item static, duplicate an existing static item (such as LoadScreen statics) and do replace the model with the silver ingot's file path. :biggrin:

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