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Saves too dependent on single ENB preset, and causing crashes when attempting to switch preset.


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I've been attempting the past few days to change ENBs, from George's ENB to Minimal ENB to no avail. It seems whenever I go into the North Vegas area, specifically near that Atomic Wrangler sign in the videos or attempt to fast-travel, the game will crash.

https://streamable.com/k48p77 - This first video is of George's ENB, with his Custom 47 Weather Plugin installed alongside the ENB and SweetFX included in the main file. I can successfully fast-travel (and move towards that sign there) without crashing

https://streamable.com/gzuom8 - Second video is of Minimal ENB with Nevada Skies installed. I crash upon attempting to fast-travel.

https://streamable.com/4wa1ss - Third features no ENB and vanilla weathers. Still crash regardless.

Below is my load-order, and I've attached my mod-list what seems to be the issue here?

  0  0     FalloutNV.esm
  1  1     DeadMoney.esm
  2  2     HonestHearts.esm
  3  3     OldWorldBlues.esm
  4  4     LonesomeRoad.esm
  5  5     GunRunnersArsenal.esm
  6  6     ClassicPack.esm
  7  7     MercenaryPack.esm
  8  8     TribalPack.esm
  9  9     CaravanPack.esm
 10  a     YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
 11  b     Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
 12  c     BraveNewWorld.esm
 13  d     FCOMaster.esm
 14  e     WeAreLegion.esm
 15  f     GreatKhanGreatOverhaul.esm
 16 10     AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
 17 11     TLD_Travelers.esm
 18 12     AWOPDeadMoney.esm
 19 13     DragsVGUArmorBase.esm
 20 14     SomeguySeries.esm
 21 15     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm
 22 16     Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
 23 17     YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
 24 18     The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
 25 19     The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
 26 1a     CASM with MCM.esp
 27 1b     Simple DLC Delay.esp
 28 1c     Diagonal movement.esp
 29 1d     B42Inertia.esp
 30 1e     dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
 31 1f     Vurt's WFO.esp
 32 20     Uncut Wasteland.esp
           FCO - NPC Changes.esp
 33 21     Freeside Redone.esp
 34 22     JSawyer Ultimate.esp
 35 23     EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
 36 24     BLEEDNV.esp
 37 25     LiveDismember.esp
 38 26     RetrievableThrowables.esp
 39 27     Mojave Raiders.esp
 40 28     WeaponModsExpanded.esp
 41 29     All Weapon Sounds Overhaul .esp
 42 2a     Mojave Wildlife (Vanilla-Style).esp
 43 2b     WMX-DLCMerged.esp
 44 2c     Vanilla UI Plus.esp
 45 2d     MoreBeardAndMoustacheStyles.esp
 46 2e     Immersive Minigames.esp
 47 2f     ImmersivePickupSoundsFNV.esp
 48 30     MiscItemIconsNV.esp
 49 31     Boacombat2glove.esp
 50 32     FOVSlider.esp
 51 33     Burning Campfire.esp
 52 34     BC2.esp
 53 35     Project Reality Footsteps.esp
 54 36     VatsReplacer.esp
 55 37     Ammo Count Memory.esp
 56 38     NPCsSprint.esp
 57 39     NPC Use Aid.esp
 58 3a     Unfound Loot.esp
 59 3b     ExtendedNVRadio.esp
 60 3c     NPCs Can Miss.esp
 61 3d     Quickthrow.esp
 62 3e     Economy Overhaul.esp
 63 3f     BoomersGoBoom.esp
 64 40     RadiationSuitFO4Overhaul.esp
 65 41     DragsNPCOverhaul.esp
 66 42     EmptyWeapons.esp
 67 43     Immersive Hit Reactions.esp
 68 44     B42Descriptions.esp
 69 45     Mojave Arsenal.esp
 70 46     AWSO-WMXEVE-ALLDLC-Merged.esp
 71 47     DragbodyVGUPackFullPlusFaceOffNV.esp
 72 48     WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp
 73 49     Explosive Sounds Overhaul.esp
 74 4a     CourierCacheWSE.esp
 75 4b     AmmoChecking.esp
 76 4c     NewVegasBounties.esp
 77 4d     NewVegasBountiesII.esp
 78 4e     TheInheritance.esp
 79 4f     1nivVSLArmors.esp
 80 50     populatedcasino-light.esp
 81 51     Russell.esp
 82 52     Doc Mitchell's Grub and Gulp.esp
 83 53     DMHO.esp
 84 54     BraveNewWorld-YUP.esp
 85 55     IMPACT.esp
 86 56     RiddickCompanion.esp
 87 57     DarylDixonCompanion.esp
 88 58     AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp
 89 59     AWOP-IMPACT-WMX-EVE AllDLCMerged.esp
 90 5a     FO4 Power Armors - FNV Standard Edition.esp
 91 5b     boa ncrpahelmet.esp
 92 5c     Convenient Accessories.esp
 93 5d     Weapon Retexture Project.esp
 94 5e     NCROverhaul.esp
 95 5f     WeAreLegion.esp
 96 60     BrotherhoodReforged.esp
 97 61     RaiderOverhaulPreview.esp
 98 62     Bash_Stealthboy.esp
 99 63     Bash_Stealth.esp
100 64     Brow Stitch.esp
101 65     F4VaultSuitsReplacer.esp
102 66     Glove_be_gone.esp
103 67     Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp
104 68     ILO - PipBoy Light.esp
105 69     ILO - YUP Patch.esp
106 6a     JSawyer Ultimate - Mojave Raiders Patch.esp
107 6b     Water Overhaul.esp
108 6c     JSawyer Ultimate - WO Patch.esp
109 6d     Ragdolls.esp
110 6e     NightstalkerReplacer.esp
111 6f     Scarred Race.esp
112 70     Shorter Chem Wear-off Effects.esp
113 71     WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp
114 72     ArmedToTheTeeth-NewVegas.esp
115 73     JustModsAssorted.esp
116 74     LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp
117 75     lightupandsmokethosecigarettes_dm.esp
118 76     Titans of The New West.esp
119 77     BraveNewWorld-AnNPCOverhaul.esp
120 78     BraveNewWorld-NCROverhaul.esp
121 79     BraveNewWorld-BoomersGoBoom.esp
122 7a     BraveNewWorld-BrotherhoodReforged.esp
           Western Pistols.esp
123 7b     BraveNewWorld-FiendLeaders.esp
124 7c     BraveNewWorld-JSU.esp
125 7d     BraveNewWorld-UncutWastelandNPCs.esp
126 7e     BraveNewWorld-WeAreLegion.esp
127 7f     MuchNeededLOD.esp
128 80     GRA-WRP-Patch-Two_Unofficial.esp
129 81     AWOP - Russell.esp
130 82     PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp
131 83     AutumnLeaves.esp
132 84     BraveNewWorld-MojaveRaiders.esp
133 85     BraveNewWorld-PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp
134 86     BraveNewWorld-GreaterKhans.esp
135 87     WMX-POPMerged.esp
136 88     Enhanced NPC Awareness.esp
137 89     Mojave Raiders - TLD Patch.esp
138 8a     Helmet Overlay.esp
139 8b     NukaCola-Ojo.esp
           Heckler and Koch - UMP45 Submachine Gun.esp
140 8c     singleshot_retex.esp
141 8d     ItemBrowser.esp
142 8e     Digital_Nightmare.esp
143 8f     357retex.esp
144 90     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp
145 91     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp
           FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp
           FCO - Russell.esp
146 92     MCPipBoy2000MK6_clock.esp
           Wester Pistols AntHill.esp
           Smith&Wesson Model 29.esp
147 93     Asurah_reanimation.esp
148 94     Delay Autumn Leaves.esp
149 95     Park_Ranger.esp
150 96     Overseer's_Guardian.esp
151 97     GlovesGalore.esp
152 98     GlovesGalore_DeadMoney.esp
           AK74M - F4.esp
153 99     SimpleCassReplacer.esp
           Vz61 Ver1.1.esp
154 9a     DragsCasualCourierAndMore.esp
155 9b     WTH AMR Fix.esp
156 9c     ThatGunReplacerGRA.esp
157 9d     ThatGunReplacer.esp
158 9e     DragsPlayableRaces.esp
159 9f     Fiendsfriend.esp
160 a0     ImmersiveRecoil.esp
161 a1     IRNPC.esp
162 a2     Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
163 a3     ILO - A World of Pain.esp
164 a4     ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp
165 a5     ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp
166 a6     FNVLODGen.esp
167 a7     tmzLODadditions.esp


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As ENB is a "post processor" it should not be affecting the game itself, but rather only the displayed image after rendering by the video adapter and before it is shown on the screen. So ENB is unlikely to be the cause and first you need to investigate further into why you are crashing.


Anytime the game "Crashes to the Desktop" (CTD) it's typically going to generate an error message in the Windows Eventlog because the game engine was not able to predictably handle the error. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki "How to read most Bethesda game error logs" article.

Logs generated by the game itself (not Windows) are found in the game folder, where the "FalloutNV.EXE" file is located.

"NVAC - New Vegas AntiCrash" error log entries are described on the "Description" page. This an important log for "in-game" errors. Some are intended to assist mod authors; while others are there to help "you, the player" trying to resolve a problem. You are interested in the entries which are NOT automatically handled successfully by NVAC, and records which do NOT begin with "00" (which are in the vanilla game files and not typically going to be fixable by yourself). Key entries to look for are the following "letter codes":
* "e" entries are Exceptions handled specifically by NVAC's targeted code changes
* "h" entries are exceptions identified Heuristically by NVAC's "global" exception handler, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "m" entries are "Middle of nowhere" exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "ñ" entries are Null instruction exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "n" entries are Null pointer call exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "o" entries are stack Overflow exceptions, usually handled unsuccessfully.
* "q" entries are program self-termination information; these are effectively crashes.
* "u" entries are Unhandled exceptions reported from the Unhandled Exception Filter; these are crashes (and the NVAC author wants to hear about them).
* "v" entries are unhandled exceptions reported by NVAC's "global" exception handler; these are crashes.
* "w" entries are informative, relaying exception information as it passes through New Vegas's final exception handler.
* "x" entries are critical errors in Windows exception data; these entries should never occur.
* ":" entries are output from OutputDebugString calls.
* ";" entries are output from the game's own error checking.
Other codes may be of interest, but are not things the player is likely to be able to resolve, They are useful for informing the author of the mod to aid them in fixing their plugin. In particular, pass along the:
* "_" entries are informative, relaying that NVAC was loaded and the base address of various DLLs
* "!" entries are informative, relaying human-readable text for the user entries.
Any error codes found in the log but not listed on the mod "Description" page should be reported to the NVAC comments page.

'Expression Error: SYNTAX' is not uncommon, even in vanilla without any mods loaded. These are basically "typos". Such errors are reported by NVAC but ignored. Those lines of script code do not get executed, but also (when caught by NVAC) are not "fatal" to the game. They are the sort of thing mods like "Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP", "JIP LN NVSE", "JohnnyGuitar NVSE", "lStewieAl's Tweaks" etc. are designed to fix or supplement if possible.

More general things you should look into:


* Move any "inactive/disabled" plugins out of the game "Data" folder. They count against the "plugin cap"(see Smaller Plugin Cap) because they get loaded by the game engine if found, and can cause "Missing Master" problems. Please see the wiki "Missing Masters" article if you get that error message.


Your "modlist" priorities for the DLCs appear to be different from your "sorted load order". I don't use whichever mod manager you are using, so this may simply be due to my lack of specific knowledge, but discrepancies like that always raise a warning flag in my mind. Similarly to "Missing Master" errors even though all the necessary files are present, it is not impossible that other issues might be due to the same "sort" cause without being directly attributable, so investigating the documented purpose of priorities and their relationship to "sort order" should be a priority.


* If you have more than one mod that makes any change to the same record or set of records in the vanilla game, then you really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. When in doubt, create a "Merge Patch" file for your overall "load order" anyway. If you add, remove, or change the sequence of plugins in your "load order", don't forget to rebuild the "merge patch" file again.

* "Merged Patch" is a more generic term than "Bashed Patch", which is only produced by the Wrye Bash/Flash program. A Wrye "Bashed Patch" and a xEdit "Merged Patch" are generated from the entire "load order" list of plugins to resolve all "record level conflicts". They are roughly equivalent but use different algorithms. You can use the combination of both a "Bashed Patch" and a "Merged Patch" file (technically an "override" patch as described here), for different complimentary reasons. (What I say regarding "Wrye Bash (WB)" also applies to "Wrye Flash (WF)". "xEdit" is the generic name for "FNVEdit" which is the game specific implementation of that tool.)

While both WB and xEdit are creating essentially the same thing, the big difference is that WB automates the "record level conflict" resolution in load order sequence producing a "merged patch" file named explicitly "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". This works fine for most such conflicts where you want the last loading plugin to "win" conflicts, but to also include non-conflicting records of earlier plugins to get around "The Rule of One". The xEdit process does similar but doesn't dictate the resulting file name and lends itself to deciding those exceptions where you want an earlier loading record to "win" the conflict instead. By running WB first, and then creating an xEdit "override" patch with just the different winners (hence the difference from a "merged patch" of the entire "load order"), you are reducing the number of manual changes needed. This becomes important if you tend to modify your load order with updates to plugins frequently, as you should rebuild your "merged patch(s)" whenever you do so.

Note that xEdit can "automate" the creation process in a similar manner to WB, but it doesn't (last I knew but things are constantly evolving) make use of "Bash Tags". WB also has built-in "tweaks" to game settings that it incorporates into the patch, as well as merging of "leveled lists". You can also use xEdit to give "unique" results that none of the plugins provide (in effect creating a "new patch plugin" result within the overall patch.)

There are more possibilities. Please see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article for details.

Please see the 'Vanilla Load Order' entry in the 'First Timer Advice' section; and the 'Common Game Problems' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


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Please see the article "How to ask for help" and provide all the information noted there. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/How_to_ask_for_help


This is to eliminate the time wasted asking all the questions needed to analyze your problem.

i7-4790k @ 4.00 Ghz

1070 TI @ 8 GB VRAM

1920 x 1080 resolution

DDR3 16gb @ 1333 MHz

35 gigs free on the SSD

Not a laptop.


Windows 10 Home, 64-bit OS

Steam, 4gb Patch, XNVSE 5.1.6, NVTF, NVAC, JIP LN 55.51, Johnny Gutair 3.15, OneTweak (in no particular order)

Game version, All DLC

I used Mod Organizer 2

I used zEdit in order to merge all my weapon mods together.

Steam Overlay is disabled, my issue is with ENB.

Don't have a cap on the FPS

I've already posted my load order and mod-list from MO2

I've already linked the mods I've been attempting to use in my game.


Now if you need my Social Security Number, the digits on the front of my debit card, the expiration date and year, and the three wacky numbers on the back, don't hesitate to ask.

Edited by matthewisepic
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As ENB is a "post processor" it should not be affecting the game itself, but rather only the displayed image after rendering by the video adapter and before it is shown on the screen. So ENB is unlikely to be the cause and first you need to investigate further into why you are crashing.


Anytime the game "Crashes to the Desktop" (CTD) it's typically going to generate an error message in the Windows Eventlog because the game engine was not able to predictably handle the error. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki "How to read most Bethesda game error logs" article.


Logs generated by the game itself (not Windows) are found in the game folder, where the "FalloutNV.EXE" file is located.


"NVAC - New Vegas AntiCrash" error log entries are described on the "Description" page. This an important log for "in-game" errors. Some are intended to assist mod authors; while others are there to help "you, the player" trying to resolve a problem. You are interested in the entries which are NOT automatically handled successfully by NVAC, and records which do NOT begin with "00" (which are in the vanilla game files and not typically going to be fixable by yourself). Key entries to look for are the following "letter codes":

* "e" entries are Exceptions handled specifically by NVAC's targeted code changes

* "h" entries are exceptions identified Heuristically by NVAC's "global" exception handler, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.

* "m" entries are "Middle of nowhere" exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.

* "ñ" entries are Null instruction exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.

* "n" entries are Null pointer call exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.

* "o" entries are stack Overflow exceptions, usually handled unsuccessfully.

* "q" entries are program self-termination information; these are effectively crashes.

* "u" entries are Unhandled exceptions reported from the Unhandled Exception Filter; these are crashes (and the NVAC author wants to hear about them).

* "v" entries are unhandled exceptions reported by NVAC's "global" exception handler; these are crashes.

* "w" entries are informative, relaying exception information as it passes through New Vegas's final exception handler.

* "x" entries are critical errors in Windows exception data; these entries should never occur.

* ":" entries are output from OutputDebugString calls.

* ";" entries are output from the game's own error checking.

Other codes may be of interest, but are not things the player is likely to be able to resolve, They are useful for informing the author of the mod to aid them in fixing their plugin. In particular, pass along the:

* "_" entries are informative, relaying that NVAC was loaded and the base address of various DLLs

* "!" entries are informative, relaying human-readable text for the user entries.

Any error codes found in the log but not listed on the mod "Description" page should be reported to the NVAC comments page.


'Expression Error: SYNTAX' is not uncommon, even in vanilla without any mods loaded. These are basically "typos". Such errors are reported by NVAC but ignored. Those lines of script code do not get executed, but also (when caught by NVAC) are not "fatal" to the game. They are the sort of thing mods like "Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP", "JIP LN NVSE", "JohnnyGuitar NVSE", "lStewieAl's Tweaks" etc. are designed to fix or supplement if possible.


More general things you should look into:


* Move any "inactive/disabled" plugins out of the game "Data" folder. They count against the "plugin cap"(see Smaller Plugin Cap) because they get loaded by the game engine if found, and can cause "Missing Master" problems. Please see the wiki "Missing Masters" article if you get that error message.


Your "modlist" priorities for the DLCs appear to be different from your "sorted load order". I don't use whichever mod manager you are using, so this may simply be due to my lack of specific knowledge, but discrepancies like that always raise a warning flag in my mind. Similarly to "Missing Master" errors even though all the necessary files are present, it is not impossible that other issues might be due to the same "sort" cause without being directly attributable, so investigating the documented purpose of priorities and their relationship to "sort order" should be a priority.


* If you have more than one mod that makes any change to the same record or set of records in the vanilla game, then you really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. When in doubt, create a "Merge Patch" file for your overall "load order" anyway. If you add, remove, or change the sequence of plugins in your "load order", don't forget to rebuild the "merge patch" file again.


* "Merged Patch" is a more generic term than "Bashed Patch", which is only produced by the Wrye Bash/Flash program. A Wrye "Bashed Patch" and a xEdit "Merged Patch" are generated from the entire "load order" list of plugins to resolve all "record level conflicts". They are roughly equivalent but use different algorithms. You can use the combination of both a "Bashed Patch" and a "Merged Patch" file (technically an "override" patch as described here), for different complimentary reasons. (What I say regarding "Wrye Bash (WB)" also applies to "Wrye Flash (WF)". "xEdit" is the generic name for "FNVEdit" which is the game specific implementation of that tool.)


While both WB and xEdit are creating essentially the same thing, the big difference is that WB automates the "record level conflict" resolution in load order sequence producing a "merged patch" file named explicitly "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". This works fine for most such conflicts where you want the last loading plugin to "win" conflicts, but to also include non-conflicting records of earlier plugins to get around "The Rule of One". The xEdit process does similar but doesn't dictate the resulting file name and lends itself to deciding those exceptions where you want an earlier loading record to "win" the conflict instead. By running WB first, and then creating an xEdit "override" patch with just the different winners (hence the difference from a "merged patch" of the entire "load order"), you are reducing the number of manual changes needed. This becomes important if you tend to modify your load order with updates to plugins frequently, as you should rebuild your "merged patch(s)" whenever you do so.


Note that xEdit can "automate" the creation process in a similar manner to WB, but it doesn't (last I knew but things are constantly evolving) make use of "Bash Tags". WB also has built-in "tweaks" to game settings that it incorporates into the patch, as well as merging of "leveled lists". You can also use xEdit to give "unique" results that none of the plugins provide (in effect creating a "new patch plugin" result within the overall patch.)


There are more possibilities. Please see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article for details.


Please see the 'Vanilla Load Order' entry in the 'First Timer Advice' section; and the 'Common Game Problems' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Event Viewer:

Faulting application name: FalloutNV.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e0d50ed
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.18362.815, time stamp: 0x2995af02
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0003b4ae
Faulting process id: 0x279c
Faulting application start time: 0x01d698e38db5d390
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: 25916dba-1df2-479d-86ad-cc69d27fec5b
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 


02141317 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe
02141317 _ 0F800000 07050000 nvac.dll
02141317 _ 0ED80000 05010060 nvse_1_4.dll
02141317 _ 77CE0000 0A0047BB ntdll.dll
02141326 h 00475A2E 0FB64804 FalloutNV.exe
02141326 h 00475A2E 0FB64804 FalloutNV.exe
02141327 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe
02141327 _ DISABLED _LOD_ERR
02141327 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe
02141327 _ DISABLED _LOD_ERR
02141327 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe
02141327 _ DISABLED _LOD_ERR
02141327 e 006FCF03 C0000005 Fallout~
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
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02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
02141410 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe

In addition, I replicated the modlist's DLC priorities in-line with the current load order's.


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