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Bat a batch Within a Bat?


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As confusing as the title sounds, is it possible to do this? I've searched but couldn't find a definitive answer, so please forgive me if this has already been covered. I've beat this game legitimately so many times that I don't really consider this cheating when I'm mainly doing this to test out mods I've installed, play odd/fun scenarioes, Warzone rampage, etc.



I have several bat files that are in a meticulous order in notepad files. I was wondering if it was possible to create a .bat with the command to bat each of those files similtaneously? Some of them add items to the game, some of them teach shouts/add perks/etc.


For example. Can I open up the console and do this:



bat allmystuff


Inside of ^ would be:


bat allperks
bat allchants
bat allmaterials
bat coolclothes
bat allshouts


Also, if this is even possible, is there a particular order things should be in the batch? Thanks a lot in advanced!




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Why don't you try it out and see? Any of us who could answer for certain would only be able to do so if we had tried it...


My hunch is that it'll work just fine, as batch files are really just collections of console commands, and bat is a console command...

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This is very true. I was just afraid that if I tried, I'd somehow create a black hole in my monitor, lol.


I will try right now and post the results here in case anyone else has ever wondered this.

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