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VAMPIRE:The Masquerade Bloodlines Remake


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So back in 2004, this incredible game came out that was the first to use the HL2 engine.


Featured Long dialogue trees where your choices affected the storyline, and your stats effected your success of those choices....


....featured melee and gun combat...and some magic stuff thrown in for good measure...


....Had several classes or "clans" that the player chose to play the game through as, each with their own unique storylines


what was wrong with the old game ?


- Bad AI

- Restrictive maps ( very tiny zones, since they were all basically small bsp's )

- Buggy


What i want to see in a Mod ( Total Conversion Mod at that ):


-Leveling system with clans

--Each Clan has powers / abilities unique to them, along with unique leveling

---to do this in the game the "easy way", make weapons for each ability, and require a certain skill/training to use that weapon ( given to the player at the choice of their clan )


-Rebuild the 3 chapters of the old game, or rethink them, but be more spacious, leave the traveling aspect to the player, expand upon the world.


-Throw in some more of the masquerade material in there that fans have always wanted to see ( i admit I don't know much about the universe, just immensely enjoyed several of the games from it ).


Someone doing a pre-war Urban/City mod would help this greatly, especially for "common streets" and for "new york city". Green grass mod of course, live vegetation mod, etc etc


Harder things?:

-Retool the combat system to allow for multiple abilities, punching up the pip boy is annoying in the regular game, and wouldn't fit this TC ( you could have a weapon and an ability on hotkeys in the bloodlines game )



This is just some basic ideas, theres gotta be someone else who's a fan, these games are SO similar to each other in playstyle.

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VTMB by far is my favorite game of all I've played so far.

Even better imo than Fallout, Final Fantasy, Half Life, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo and whatnot.

Got me into the World of Darkness universe too.


A shame it did not get enough attention. I still have hopes, some game developer studios try a sequel to it.


Should be almost impossible to get all the stuff into a game like Fallout though - even with the GECK. At least it would be a tremendous amount of work.

If one managed, I'd be one of the first to enjoy it :>

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I personally thought the developers could have done a ton more to make the game look better and immerse the player more, especially after the subsequent release of Half Life 2 using the same engine....


Anyways, a huge hardcore vampire mod of some sort or other would be pretty awesome, if totally breaking canon...

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A proper remake would be great... I love this game.


Too bad Troika went financially under before the game was released... and Activision was bloody stupid to move the release date to coincide with Half-Life 2 (even if they WERE under contract to do so as the rumour mill goes).


We'll never see another good Masquerade game though. White Wolf has retired the setting, and Requiem just isn't as much fun (even if it is a better system).

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There are a lot of good unofficial patches for Vampire Bloodlines... It fixes a lot of things and really stables the game, I applied them...


Also there is another good game, Vampire the Masquerade Redemption... It was released before Bloodlines, and it was far better than Bloodlines... It was not superior to Bloodlines, it is a standart party style RPG, the combat is a bit clumsy, the disciplines are not clan based, you cant choose your clan but the story is just plain amazing...


The story revolves around Christopher Ramould, a knight of the crusades, he is wounded and left in Vienna for caring... Then his story goes on, I dont want to give away any spoilers but it is great, you will feel his suffering and pain in your heart...


Give it a try you will definitely like it...

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I played and did not like Redemtion. What I find so intriguing in the World of Darkness (not the old one) is the modern world. Middle aged or older settings are not of much interest for me somehow.


Now a post-apocalyptic setting would be awesome, although a bit unrealistic heheh :)


I hope this thread won't get closed due to a bit offtopic, but:

Jordik: I'm not too well informed about the events of the retirement of the World of Darkness by White Wolf. Could you explain why it would be impossible for some game studio to buy a license for making a new WoD game? All one needs is a bit imagination, or am I wrong?



PS: If some of my spelling or word order seems strange, I apologize. English is not my native language.

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I too thought it would be cool to turn the Oblivion "vampire" into something akin to Bloodlines, and I've always preferred the modern setting, so Fallout 3 is a natural candidate.


However, I would really prefer to see something besides the World of Darkness setting. That's probably copywrite infringement anyways, but even if not, I don't really like it. First, I don't like the way they mix zombies and ghosts and werewolves and so forth into one giant world, then claim that people are intentionally blind to all this stuff that literally happens right in front of their eyes. If we're going to do vampires, make the vampires believable.


Instead of a scenario where people can watch hordes of zombies ripping people apart then convince themselves ten minutes later it was just an angry mob, how about a scenario where there just aren't very many "supernatural" creatures, so the scattered reports of vampires and zombies are seen as more bigfoot sightings. Or a scenario where vampires are like terrorists: everyone knows they're real, and we can go out and kill them, but they are smart and elusive, blend in with normal people, and can recruit more from just about anywhere. And they have the advantage over terrorists that they don't make a habit of blowing themselves and 50 other people up with improvised explosives, lessening the world's desire to get rid of them. I like the idea of the player trying to avoid being a known vampire, but I don't like the idea of the entire vampire species trying to hide itself--it just wouldn't work unless the species had very few members.


Furthermore, how about getting rid of all the extraneous monsters, like ghosts and zombies, that add very little to the vampire setting? Werewolves are the traditional enemy of vampires (well, for the last few decades), so we could leave them in, but with the same realistic response from the human npcs, rather than the "I don't want to believe it I didn't see it" double-think of the World of Darkess npcs.


We could leave the various groups of hunters who, like the Enclave, don't like the "inpure" species, and want to destroy them, and assume most people naturally hate and/or are afraid of vampires because of the negative stigma associated with them. Also, I don't mind the sci-fi portion of vampires, I just prefer games that ask "what if vampires were real?" over games that ask "what if vampires were real, and everything you thought you knew about the world was actually fake?" because it's so vague that it's not really a "what-if?" anything; it's just an alternate reality. In order to suspend my disbelief, it's much easier if most things in the game mimic reality (to whatever degree is possible given the limited technology), with "it's magic!" explaining as little as possible.

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Now a post-apocalyptic setting would be awesome, although a bit unrealistic heheh :)


Unrealistic? I don't think so. I'm sure some vampires made it into the vaults, hell maybe there were some vamps in Vault-Tec who designated a vault just for vampires and their human cattle. ;)

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Well, given the usage of radiation in the game to create new species, we could just say vampires are one of them (oh wait, doesn't the game already do that?).


I have no problem with vampires in the Fallout world, I just think it loses a lot of the flavor of what I like in the vampire games. "In Sigil, you are a force to be *reckoned* with. But then, so is everyone else."

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