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Uninstall TYC


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Yeah so like... I recently installed the TYC (Tune your Computer, I think)

and I kind of want to uninstall it now, so I tried to go back to the download page since I recalled it showing instructions of how to uninstall.

But its now hidden. I'm going to go ahead and assume the author knows why people want to uninstall it (f*#@s up certain peoples computers) and hid it so no more damage could be done.


Does anyone know how to remove it? It created a few scripts that run on my computer everytime I start up my computer.

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This TYC program is the biggest noob-made POS ive ever accidently installed. I too, would love to know how to get the damn thing off my pc, as I now cannot load Paint Shop Pro 9, which I love and had NO TROUBLE WITH B4.


It's like WTF? How does disabling PSP help me? The guy who put this up is obviously a 18 thousand year old loser, and Nexus should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it on their site. See how i spelt 'their' right? Im not an idiot, and this tyc 'program' has made me this angry!


HOW DO I REVERT IT? The uploader promised a fix, and then disappeared!

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Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup for win or just type "TYC-Tweakyourcomputer" (without the "") in the search bar or something like that. Open the folder by right clicking on the file and slecting "Open file location" then delete the file and youre good to go!

Edited by ZeroFantasyGuy
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Holy s#*!, I've deleted it and its pretty dam annoying. I can't see any thumbnails and there's always something "not working".

I swear, I might be part to blame for being stupid enough to activate this assholes trap card, but if I see the asswipe IRL, I'd punch him in the face.

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The most annoying part was how this was on the hot files list, that's the only reason why I persuaded myself to actually use it. I figured that if that many people liked it, then it was harmless and tested. I think there's something more at play here *tinfoil hat*. Edited by Shady_Sam
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