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Need Help - Sudden and constant drop in FPS.


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Hi everyone. As the topic name says, I'm having some trouble with Skyrim (Dawnguard installed, no Hi-Res Texture Packs) right now involving FPS.


About 4 hours ago, I could play Skyrim at around 50-60 FPS, indoors and outdoors. However, after I shut down my computer for about a half-hour and restarted Skyrim, I found that it was now playing at around 27-30 FPS constantly no matter where I go. This FPS drop affects all of my saved games, and starting a new game does not have any effect.


I didn't install any mods or video drivers prior to restarting my computer. However, I did edit the SkyrimPrefs file to include these settings:




I'm not sure if this would really do anything to cause this effect. I also tried to toggle player control (bringing up the console and typing tc while the player was selected) during an unresponsive event in redwater den, after drinking the skooma there.


I tried fixing this problem by restoring the old SkyrimPrefs/Skyrim .ini files, with no luck. Then I tried to re-verify the integrity of the game files via steam, which had no effect either.


I also note that when I bring up the SkyrimLauncher and hit the 'default" button to auto-detect appropriate video settings, it suggests that I use "medium" settings. Before this incident, it would always suggest "high" settings.


Does anyone know what could have caused this, or what I could do to fix this?






I have a Dual-Card setup. After opening the computer to ensure that everything was connected properly, I then switched the monitor input to the second video card. This appears to have rectified the problem for now.

Edited by ExecutorDill
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