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Everything posted by ExecutorDill

  1. I think I also saw this in action, similar to what Mizho experienced. I attempted to download http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2700, and selected a server (can't remember which). After the usual prompt to wait for the server to download, I saw that a file named "nexus.exe" was requesting permission to be downloaded from my browser; I clicked cancel, and Microsoft Security Essentials suddenly popped up and said that it had quarantined something.
  2. Hi everyone. As the topic name says, I'm having some trouble with Skyrim (Dawnguard installed, no Hi-Res Texture Packs) right now involving FPS. About 4 hours ago, I could play Skyrim at around 50-60 FPS, indoors and outdoors. However, after I shut down my computer for about a half-hour and restarted Skyrim, I found that it was now playing at around 27-30 FPS constantly no matter where I go. This FPS drop affects all of my saved games, and starting a new game does not have any effect. I didn't install any mods or video drivers prior to restarting my computer. However, I did edit the SkyrimPrefs file to include these settings: SkyrimPrefs.ini [Display] bForceHighDetailGrass=0 bGrassPointLighting=0 bDrawShaderGrass=0 bForceFullDetail=0 bDoTallGrassEffect=0 I'm not sure if this would really do anything to cause this effect. I also tried to toggle player control (bringing up the console and typing tc while the player was selected) during an unresponsive event in redwater den, after drinking the skooma there. I tried fixing this problem by restoring the old SkyrimPrefs/Skyrim .ini files, with no luck. Then I tried to re-verify the integrity of the game files via steam, which had no effect either. I also note that when I bring up the SkyrimLauncher and hit the 'default" button to auto-detect appropriate video settings, it suggests that I use "medium" settings. Before this incident, it would always suggest "high" settings. Does anyone know what could have caused this, or what I could do to fix this? UPDATE: I have a Dual-Card setup. After opening the computer to ensure that everything was connected properly, I then switched the monitor input to the second video card. This appears to have rectified the problem for now.
  3. Have you looked at the Apachii Goddess or Heroes store? Yes :(. Couldn't find, but thanks. Found it: http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=243 The full name of the mod is SickleYield's Slave Irons.
  4. From the Vermillion and Silverthorn robes mod by Kafei http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4072 There you go ^^ Gwuh? Looks like someone got the texture from that mod and imposed it on another robe mesh. Thank you very much for your help!
  5. Hi everyone. I was wondering what mod contains the robe/hood that the character in the image is wearing: http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1549/oblivionrobescreen.jpg Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hello everyone. I am currently having a problem with my thief-esque character: namely, dead and/or unconscious actors are too difficult to move, and I am getting caught by guards and unfriendly bandits/dremora alike as a result. At first, I looked up the "Realistic Ragdolls and Force" mod... but sadly found out that it does not support the Maximum Compatibility Skeleton (or the other way around). Likewise, the mod "Movable Bodies" does not seem to work anymore, or did not even work in the first place. As such, I was wondering if there is a certain variable I could edit via the TESconstruction set to make dragging dead actors much easier. Like a variable that modifies the weight of the NPC's bodies while they're dead/unconscious to make them much lighter than they are by default. Do any modders know of such a variable? I've been looking in the construction set wiki for some time, but to no avail.
  7. Saaya, thanks for working tirelessly on all of these conversion requests. I (we?) appreciate all the effort you're putting into these conversions. I realize that you're buried under a mountain of requests right now... But if you have the time, could you convert the H-cup version of this armor to the BBB system? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19329 I contacted the author of this Diano ultra-light variant, and he said that it would be fine to convert this armor as long as everyone in the "credits" section of the notes was mentioned in the credits for the conversion. Thanks again for working on these conversions, and double thanks for taking requests!
  8. Thanks! Would anyone happen to know of a version of that armor that utilizes the Better Bouncing Boobs // Maximum Compatibility skeleton set?
  9. Hello. I was wondering where I could find these two things: 1.) The chest "armor" in this picture: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/26529-1-1264044593.jpg I thought it belonged to the Double Melons Wardrobe, but I have not been able to find the cuirass anywhere in the mod or in the game. Searching using terms on tesnexus and other sites has also been fruitless. 2.) A mod that raises H2H damage without interfering with Elys' Uncapper mod. I've tried making a mod of my own and/or modding other mods to raise H2H damage, but I find that it always interferes with the uncapper mod; while I can raise H2H damage parameters, I cannot make it go beyond the cap (100 H2H skill and 100 STR). Also, H2H damage is rather anemic with just the default formula that the uncapper uses. Thanks!
  10. Would there be any way to modify certain existing mods to work with Elys' "Uncapper" mod? I am currently using a mod (Better Hand to hand combat) that changes the formula used to calcuate hand-to-hand damage, but it does not appear to work with Uncapper; when I activate the mod in question, the weapon skill in question (hand to hand in this case) does not benefit from any increases from Strength or Hand to Hand skill increases above 100. While the obvious answer for this problem is to simply disable the conflicting mod, this also raises the issue of the default Oblivion H2H skill formula kicking in, which is somewhat problematic for brawler-type characters. Is there any way I can modify directly modify the H2H damage formula without breaking the Uncapper functionality?
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