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how to replace the RAD meter?


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i made a custom RAD meter for JSawyer Ultimate (since the rad poisoning levels are adjusted, the vanilla meter doesn't line up with the effects anymore), but trying to replace it hasn't worked so far. it looks like the one in interfaceshared0.dds is the right one, compared to another .dds file i saw that was missing the glow effect and also didn't work when i replaced it. the problem is, it looks like the game is just ignoring the file completely in favor of the default one.


archive invalidation is in-fact, working, i did reset it just in-case because i was also working on a road texture mod that didn't work until i did that, but it looks like that's not cause of the problem.


i suppose it's also worth mentioning i'm not using any HUD texture mods besides this one, unless VUI+ counts even though it doesn't affect the rad meter(?), but other than that it's all vanilla textures.

Edited by LolzMan1325
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