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Bury the Dead - A Request to Further Develop an Abandoned Mod


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It's always bothered me that when a follower you have have been adventuring with dies that you leave their body where it fell; an unremarked and lonely corpse - hardly a suitable epitaph for a loyal follower, especially one who was sworn to your service. As someone who uses UFO and Warzones, it really rankles that you cannot honor the dead in some way and give them a suitable memorial.

The mod 'Bury the Dead' by Kentoss was aimed at precicely that but due to RL issues, the author has moved on and the mod lies as abandoned as Katria's body in Arkngthanz. I am hoping that perhaps a talented modder can continue where he left off.

My thoughts are for something more complex and immersive, meaning the main character's time and resources are required to complete the burial e.g.

  • The option to carry the body from where it fell, but animated in third person on the character or slung over the back of a horse rather than just stuck in inventory.
  • A 'Quest' to return them to their home town for internment in the Hall of the Dead there, a burial in a cemetery or to be burned with due ceremony like Kodlak Whitemane. Wood would need to be gathered, stone for a headstone, a shovel equiped, etc
  • Pay for or create a suitable memorial or obtain a Priest of Arkay to perform the necessary rituals depending on the circumstances, the fallen's race/beliefs, etc

Call me stupid, but as an ex soldier the thought of leaving even virtual comrades to lie where they fell really rankles. Considering the other incredible immersion mods availalable, not being able to honor the fallen, especially one you have spent many hours fighting alongside seems to be a huge gap in the experience and an opportunity to add further to the world of Skyrim.

Just a thought.

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Wow! You sir, have read my mind. I remember back when playing Skyrim on Ps3, I lost Jenassa ( my wife, then) to Dwarven Centurion in Blackreach. Always hated the fact I had to leave her body behind in that sad and lonely place.


I did see the ''bury the dead'' mod but never got around to use it, as the mod author had abandoned it.



  • The option to carry the body from where it fell, but animated in
    third person on the character or slung over the back of a horse rather
    than just stuck in inventory.
  • A 'Quest' to return them to their home town for internment in the
    Hall of the Dead there, a burial in a cemetery or to be burned with due
    ceremony like Kodlak Whitemane. Wood would need to be gathered, stone
    for a heastone, a shovel equiped, etc
  • Pay for or create a suitable memorial or obtain a Priest of Arkay to
    perform the necessary rituals depending on the circumstances, the
    fallen's race/beliefs, etc


This is a fantastic set of ideas just waiting for an interested and talented modder to make use of...


I hope this request grabs attention.

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Wow Vasco, that's a really well-written and lovingly described request. I'm in total agreement with you. I hate it when someone I've come to care about in-game dies and then you either have to leave them there, or use the console to "disable" their body----then it's like they've never lived at all. I don't know how to mod yet, but I wiil cross my fingers that some wonderful modder will take up this old mod and really bring it to life with your suggestions. :)

PS Thanks for your service to our country, Vasco. My husband was in the Air Force for many years and my sister's husband is in Afghanistan as we speak. I have alot of respect for you guys and the respect you obviously feel for one another is beautiful and touching. :)



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  • 1 month later...

Mmm... I always thought that whenever a companion died, an urn appeared in that Hall of Dead in his/her town... At least happened to me with Lydia in Whiterun (I didn't use to play with companions)


Now that I read this, I don't know whether it was a vanilla thing or due to a mod :?


Anyway, I think it's a great idea; they deserve more than that.

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I requested this months ago, even threw a mention of it in the direction of Arthmoor to no avail. Glad to see that I'm not the only one thinking of this idea. Here's to hoping someone with the skills to manage it would agree!

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