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Custom spell does no damage?


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So I'm finally starting my first Skyrim mod and starting simple with a few custom spells. Right now I just have two, the first is set to Fire and Forget and the other is set to Concentrate. The one set to Fire and Forget works fine, however the one set to concentrate does no damage at all. Both use almost identical files, the only things that were changed were the settings neccisary to change the casting method, they even use the same projectile(Maybe that's the problem?). I've looked through the creation kit and compaired it to other similar spells but I must be missing somthing. If anyone could help me out here it would be greatly appreceated.


And yes, I did check to make sure the magnitude was not set at 0.


Edit: I found the problem, I had to give the damage a duration.

Edited by rerout
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