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[LE] Disabling Generic Hello's and Greetings for an Actor while using only custom added Hello's and Greetings


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Hello everyone :smile:


I've been trying to figure out how to disable Vanilla Hello's and Greetings from a Nord race actor and just strictly use my own added Hello's and Greetings - And if at various times I have no Hello's or Greetings added, then they say nothing.


I really am a bit stumped, as I know I cannot (certainly should not) mess with the Vanilla Greetings and Hello's with conditions for my actor, and so I am hoping there is a way to do this..


Any help appreciated :smile:

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Thanks NexusComa


I checked it out on Nexus, yea it affects everyone which would be pretty impactful for even a suggestion in my mod release.


My biggest gripe is that I get a Hello triggering at the end of scenes and some dialog sessions even though the new package (Travel) for the Npc's are set to have Hello's shut off.. I thought maybe it was like a split second of the actor running their default package before the new valid package kicked in, so I put in a backup package and the guy is still doing it..


The only thing I can think of is just making the Npc's default package have Hello's switched off, which limits what I can do with him.


Of course, beyond this, down the road if I get voice overs for my actors, they will conflict with the vanilla hello's and greetings in voice type..


I know that using a custom race would do it, but that seems a little extreme right now and would force me to redo all of the silent voice I have for the quest (because of new voice folder locations based on race).


I'll look a bit more at it, might have to just put this on the back-burner and come back to it.

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If you give your custom actor a vanilla voice type they will get all that comes with it and defiinitely don't fiddle with an existing voicetype. You need to give your actor a custom voicetype and add the dialogue you want to that.

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Thank you Agerweb :)


Aye, I see what you're saying there, and that does indeed eliminate all Vanilla responses.


Being that my mod will have around 15 or more unique actors with dialog, breaking things down to new voice types for each one would be a bit too much for my taste though. It would seem that the best in-between the lines approach would be to just break it down to custom voice types based on race, yet in this case I still end up with potentially a slew of various Hello's merged into one listing - yet ironically not so different than the listing we see when the 'Hello' Topic is opened under a particular actor.


The work-around I've found is to just make a new quest -




Priority 50

Run Once


Under Misc tab

Under Hello




Response is *Empty

Has Lip file is Unchecked

Conditions - GetIsID 'MyGuy1'


(Quest is started shortly after the mod boots up)


And it works. The vanilla generic greetings and hello's are gone from him. My priority 90 quest created Hello's still work for him. And I can add as many actors as I want to the conditions to do the same for them as well.

Later on, if I want to add some generic Hello's to some of these actors beyond silent voice I can do that in this quest as well.


It may not be the 'norm', this approach, but it works and keeps things simple for now.



Thanks guys for the help :)

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