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Question about Topics/Conversations...


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I would like to create a Greeting and a Goodbye. I have already created topics and got them to work, however I am having trouble with making a greeting. Can someone point me into the right direction? All help is appreciated :3 <3

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I still need help with this, I tried a bunch of things like creating convo's and what not. I still can't get my NPC to say something I want without me clicking on a topic first, same with the Goodbye when you exit out of dialogue with my NPC.

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Well, I'll help you all I can. So you want him to say what you want when you talk to him. Not "What do you need". You need to create a new voice type and name is YOURNPCVoice. Make the drop down menu male or female, depending on your npc gender. Open up your NPC and change his voice type to the voice you just made. That should be it

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