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Black (partly) Load Screens when zoning


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I got a new computer recently MORE than capable of running the game (i7-9700 3.6GHz, 32GB DDR4-3600 RAM, RTX 2070 Super 8GB, 1TB NVMe SSD) and I am using the Game Ready settings for my rig in nvidia.


The problem I am having is that on occasion when zoning, I do not get the rotating graphic load screen, it is just black, and the zone will simply not load. Ever. I DO have the concentric circles animated icon in the bottom right the entire time, just no spinning random graphic on the screen.


It never happens on start up.

It seems to happen regardless of loading indoor or outdoor cells.

It does not happen all the time. It seems very random. Comes and goes.


Also, and here is the really weird part (to me anyway) if I minimize my screen to the desktop using the Windows key, it fixes it. That is to say, the zone will load as soon as I bring the game screen back up.


It's like minimizing and going to the desktop, kick starts the zone into loading. The problem with this "fix" is that sometimes when minimizing to desktop, and bringing the game back up, the display settings sometimes go all wonky. Like I am playing on a really crappy rig barely able to run the game. Odd I know.


I have 81 mods. None of which affect the load screens, no ENB.


Most are Crafting - Home/Settlement mods.


After MANY looks here and searches online I know some folks say SSD can cause problems, but that is usually if they are loaded. Mine is not at all. I also read that altering the vSync can change this, but when I see that as a solution, the issue is not really the one I am having. I have yet to read about an issue like this where minimizing to the desktop makes the computer load the zone correctly.


Any ideas?


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