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Dropping breadcrumbs


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Edit: Thanks IsharaMeradin for the suggestion! Your suggestion is even better than my idea, so I shall use that. Thanks! :D


In some of the caves and dungeons of Skyrim, I find myself getting turned around and walking around in circles all too often. The map, even the local map, is worse than useless as it presents only a simplified view from the top down, not usually taking into account different parts of the cave layered on top of each other.


My idea to solve this would be a mod item called "breadcrumbs". From a player's point of view, it would work like this:

  1. At a crafting table, or even at the inventory screen (if it's possible), "make" 100 breadcrumbs from a vanilla loaf of bread. These items would be valueless and weightless so large quantities of them can be carried.
  2. Enter a dungeon.
  3. Every so often, go into the inventory screen and drop one. (If possible, the "use" key could be set up so that only one gets dropped rather than having to select the quantity every time - this could also consume another loaf of bread and give the player another hundred breadcrumbs if they run out).
  4. Now whenever you see breadcrumbs on the floor, you know you've been that way before!

Large quantities of breadcrumbs could be carried easily and even the most obsessive looter can safely leave them behind, because they're valueless. Skyrim's own garbage collection will, in most cases, despawn them after a few days preventing savegame bloat.


The object would need to be physically big enough to see but not so big that it blocks passageways. Perhaps they could even be made non-corporeal in the same way as the Magelight spell? After all, once dropped they will never need to be touched again.


Any comments? And do any programmers out there fancy a go at this one, please? :smile:

Edited by tm2006
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