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I was wondering if anyone knows of or could make a mod for a "Miqo'te" type race. If you can't see the image basically it's a more human form of the Khajit. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120714151356/finalfantasy/images/4/4c/FFXIV_2.0_Miquote_Artwork.jpgI would greatly appreciate it if someone could respond as fast as possible. Thank you for reading this. (UPDATE) It's been a while since I posted on this but all I want now is the ears and tail of the Miqo'te. After toying around I found out how to change certain things, such as textures and meshes. I'd figure making the tail wouldn't be hard, just make the Khajiit tail white. Ears would probably require more work, everything else for this has already been found since the time of request. Once again, Thank you for reading!

Edited by Sparta12345
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I appreciate the recent replies, but those mods aren't really what I am looking for. What I am looking is more or less something like the human body and face with ears and a tail. Also if that isn't possible the hair style w/ the ears of the male Miqo'te would do the trick. I just really like how the ears on the male Miqo'te are sweep back.

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