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Expanding settlement build area

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Under Activators you'll find a box called "Defaultemptytrigger"

Make it the size you want and link it to the Workshop Workbench with the keyword "WorkshopLinkedPrimitive"



Or find the original Triggerbox and make it the size you want

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If you want uneven sizes there can be multiple WorkshopLinkedPrimitive tigger boxes linked to a workshop.


Be arware that if the build area is bigger than the workshop tagged location you can blow up resource assignment and calculations for WorkshopParent registered resource workshops. Although many do without knowing or caring.

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  On 10/10/2020 at 10:16 AM, Zorkaz said:

Under Activators you'll find a box called "Defaultemptytrigger"

Make it the size you want and link it to the Workshop Workbench with the keyword "WorkshopLinkedPrimitive"



Or find the original Triggerbox and make it the size you want


Where is Activators, please?

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I'm having a tough time with this and I don't know why. What I would like to do is cover the entirety of Jamaica Plain under the Workshop. I can't use other mods to achieve this because they overwrite my own mod I'm making, undoing various changes I make. My mod has to be at the bottom of the load order because of this. Problem is, so do they.


I created the "Defaultemptytrigger" box, linked it to the green box labled 'Crate (as seen in the video tutorial) and expanded the size so it covers the entire town. I load up the game, go to the workshop and the area is the same as default. So as a simple test I located the original build area (from a backup esp) and simply moved it. I load up the game, go to the workshop and get the same result, the default boundaries. I don't understand why?

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1. I don't know about the tutorial but you need to link it to the workbench. With the proper keyword of course

2. Make multiple Triggerzones. That's because if you're on the far end of Jamaica Plain the Vanilla Settlement Area might get unloaded and so does the Vanillla Triggerzone

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Jamaica Plain already has multiple Trigger Zones. The town is covered in the junk which makes doing anything difficult. I have no idea how to link to a Trigger zone which is why I asked for a guide, but the guide provided does not cover that.

Edited by saladinbobbins
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