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Game crashing upon fast travel/waiting.


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My Skyrim crashes when I fast travel and when I wait, but the weird thing is that I can wait until midnight, but if I try to wait until any time past 1, my game crashes. I have a plethora of mods and I am not sure which are causing the problem, and nothing is mentioned in BOSS. I am a bit of a noob when it comes to these things so I was hoping to get some assistance here.

I am quite sure that the crashes from fast traveling are only because of the other issue, that fast traveling makes the time change to after 1. I waited around until this time and it crashed without me actually using the wait function or fast traveling. I am also sure that it is one of my plugins because I disabled them all then ran the vanilla game (without SKSE) and it worked fine.


My Mods and Load Order:


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It may be possible that one of your texture/lighting mods is experiencing a failure to load properly when late-night/early-morning falls. It may be tedious, but try to narrow down which mods specifically are causing this issue. At least you're not totally screwed, and you can get it to run fine after disabling all of your mods. Next up, I'd say load up your mods that dont effect textures/lighting and see if those run fine.


With so many mods running, you may be in for some tedious work ahead of you. I won't tell you to run less mods, but I'd highly suggest going over your list and getting rid of any you don't really use.


Another question Id be asking is: do you still crash out if you wait til midnight, then let time pass on its own? This may help you narrow it down some too.

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  • 3 months later...

Had lots of crashing going on - resting more than 1 hour, fast travel, using the carriages for transportation, various other things, all told the crashes were frequent and maddening. Did the old routine of going mod by mod and, lo and behold, the culprit, at least for me, is a mod called "Decomposition1". I turned off this mod and can now rest and fast travel to my hearts content. Hope this helps...

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  • 2 months later...

For me the culprit was "Run for your lives"



Along with the sofia follower mod


hope this helps someone

I am having the same issue as this guy where I wait and even after 1 hour of wait time it crashes, but I do have these 2 mods installed I am gonna try uninstalling them and see if it works!

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