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Belethor's General Goods


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Hello i have problem with Belethor's shop in Whiterun, he dont have any items for sell. I wonder if there is any way to reset some NPC ? This general goods shop is very necessary to me so if someone know solution i will be grateful.


My mod list:

Better Vampires by Brehanin

Better MessageBox Controls

Better Dialogue Controls

Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival

Immersive Armors

Jobs of Skyrim

MoD - Rise of the Brotherhood

Realistic Needs and Diseases


T3nd0s Skyrim Redone

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

+ Dawnguard DLC


I try to disable Jobs of Skyrim and Skyrim Redone because I thought that they can make this problem ,but nothing change.


When i try to trade with Belethor i see http://oi49.tinypic.com/152ccoz.jpg

Edited by lordtorus
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You might have bought everything off of him? Try waiting a few in day games, failing that verify steam cache integrity, disable all mods start a new game then see if the problem still occures

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No i dont bought everything of his items. Is there way to reset some npc ? I try to kill him by "kill" in console but i cant, he is immortal. If i cant reset i will play without him :/ I have nice save so i dont want to replay last couple days.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello i have problem with Belethor's shop in Whiterun, he dont have any items for sell. I wonder if there is any way to reset some NPC ? This general goods shop is very necessary to me so if someone know solution i will be grateful.


My mod list:

Better Vampires by Brehanin

Better MessageBox Controls

Better Dialogue Controls

Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival

Immersive Armors

Jobs of Skyrim

MoD - Rise of the Brotherhood

Realistic Needs and Diseases


T3nd0s Skyrim Redone

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

+ Dawnguard DLC


I try to disable Jobs of Skyrim and Skyrim Redone because I thought that they can make this problem ,but nothing change.


When i try to trade with Belethor i see http://oi49.tinypic.com/152ccoz.jpg


Hey man, it's been a couple of months but i can tell you that i am getting the same exact problem and that it is because of SkyUI. im trying to figure out a fix at the moment, will let you know if i find one.

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  • 2 months later...

Something interesting i've just noticed. I was having the same problem as others but more intermittant. The problem was on a new character Belethor would give me the speech option to buy/sell items. If I immediately loaded a previously saved game I had the same option to buy/sell with a different character. If I started up Skyrim and loaded the previously saved game first, there was no buy/sell option. At first I was thinking this was a mod problem. It seemed odd that it worked for a newly created character but not and existing one if mods were involved. I tried disabling UFO to see if the buy/sell option came back and that didn't work. Then I unchecked the unofficial skyrim mod only (didn't uninstall it, just keep it from running on game startup to isolate the mod that was causing the problem but left dragonborn, hearthfire and dawnguard still active to see if only one of these might be cause the problem)... oddly enough, with USKP disabled, I now have the option to buy/sell with Belethor again. I'm wonderiing if others having this problem would have the same results as me if disabling USKP. If so, it would really help to isolate the problem for a quicker fix.

Edited by SplashDamage
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